Música na educação infantil, além das festas comemorativas
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Loureiro, Sonia Regina Catellino
Ambrogi, Ingrid Hötte
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Mizukami, Maria da Graça Nicoletti
Gobbi, Márcia Aparecida
Gobbi, Márcia Aparecida
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
This work focus on the importance of music in children s education. It was developed based on a case study approaching the practice of musical pedagogy of a teacher who teaches 4-to-5-year-old kids at a private owned kindergarten school located in São Paulo city. The interest to have chosen such a school was, in particular, meant to show how that teacher approaches music, aiming at making children s development easier and possible. Thus, the support was mainly based on authors such as Brito, Koellreutter, Schafer e Winisk, among others, in addition to the National Children Education Curricular Reference itself. Aiming at bringing subsidies to this study, the above mentioned authors have their theoretical framework based on the importance of playful experience, as of infantile cultures, silence, sonorous landscapes which outstand the sounds around us, the stimulus to attentively listen, the integration between sound and movement, the awakening to creativeness, the appreciation of a serious and planned improvisation in addition to acknowledge the sounds made by the kids themselves. Nevertheless, it was considered that for a successful pedagogical practice to exist, such as the one shown in this work, it is fundamental that, besides the theoretical reference, the child education teacher should have, at least a rather basic musical background. This being the case, the teacher will be able to make use of a more adequate musical education for today, in addition to contribute to children s own development.
criança , educação infantil , música , formação de professores , atividades musicais , prática educacional musical , child , child education , music , teachers background , musical activities , musical educational practice