Jornal do Vestibular: um desafio interdisciplinar
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Vieira, Carlos Alberto
Ambrogi, Ingrid Hötte
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Masetto, Marcos Tarciso
Poloni, Delacir Aparecida Ramos
Poloni, Delacir Aparecida Ramos
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
The Jornal do Vestibular Project is the study presented by this work, that considers the interdisciplinary in the perspective of the National Curricular Parameters of the High School (PCNEM, in Portuguese). A bibliographic review of the PCNEM was made to identify the group of conceptual elements as if to go search for a significant literature concerning the concept and the representative theories for the elaboration of the Jornal do Vestibular Project, by accepting the Project Method created by John Dewey and systematized by Willian Kilpatrick, the interdisciplinarity adopted by Gusdorf and the School Periodical method evidenced by Freinet, adjusting it to the terms of the Pedagogic Project and the High School Didactic Organization of high school of the Federal Center of Technological Education of the state of São Paulo (CEFETSP, in Portuguese). The interdisciplinary theoretical foundation of the case study was chosen for the elaboration of the subject-object relation of the study in progress, of qualitative character, following the descriptive line, has made possible the following results: The Jornal do Vestibular Project is interdisciplinary and, therefore, it is verified that the developed method articulate the contents of the common core of the curricular matrix of CEFETSP before the reflections caused by the contents developed by the Jornal do Vestibular Project and that the classroom is a interdisciplinary locus in which life events are (re)experienced.
interdisciplinaridade , jornal escolar , jornal do vestibular , projeto interdisciplinar , interdisciplinarity , school periodical , jornal do vestibular , interdisciplinary project
Assuntos Scopus
VIEIRA, Carlos Alberto. Jornal do Vestibular: um desafio interdisciplinar. 2009. 149 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação, Arte e História) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2009.