Arte popular nordestina em um Centro Integrado de Educação de jovens e adultos: do convívio entre os alunos ao desenvolvimento da leitura e da escrita
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Eicardi, Ana Cristina de Souza
Masini, Elcie Aparecida Fortes Salzano
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Silva, Ani Martins da
Delphino, Fátima Beatriz de Benedictis
Delphino, Fátima Beatriz de Benedictis
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
This dissertation focuses on students of the Integrated Center for Youth and Adults (CIEJA), attending the module II in 2010, equivalent to 3rd and 4th year of the first cycle of Basic Education, compares the newsrooms of 2010-2012 and analyzes the interaction of writing and three subjects of the research, with the introduction of folk art in the history of life of students. Proposed specific objectives, analyzing gains: in writing activities, social interaction among the students, the purpose of rescuing the art and culture of origin for students to strengthen their self-concept and social valuation in the labor market. Reasons - if the legislation which supports adult learning, Curriculum Guidelines of EJA in authorities on adult education among which Freire (2011) and Gadotti Romao (2011), documents on the specificity of CIEJA in Curriculum Guidelines on art City Department of Education of Sao Paulo. Data collection was conducted through a questionnaire survey of student characteristics; recorded and transcribed interviews regarding artistic activities: presentation of singing in musical culture house, making object (quilt) that illustrates and portrays childhood students, and book that compiles their life stories; writing. The analysis of data pertaining to the interviews took place in several stages and analysis of essays focused on writing skills with sense and skill related to encoding and decoding of written symbols. The conclusion of the study proves that many points to be worked out with regard to spelling, the punctuation, the use case, the use of verbs, the use of singular and plural. There were reported gains in writing of 2012 compared to 2010.
educação , CIEJA , arte nordestina , alfabetização , inclusão , education , CIEJA , northeastern art , literacy , inclusion