Vida extra: vivendo e aprendendo na indústria brasileira de games

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Caramello, Érika Fernanda
Hardagh, Claudia Coelho
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Notargiacomo, Pollyana Coelho da Silva
Schwartz, Rosana Maria Pires Barbato
Braga, Alexandre Santaella
Stateri, Julia
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
The present thesis deals with the professional-teacher praxis of the researcher in higher education in the area of games, having as objects of study the creative process of the students, the games industry and the demands of the national Indian producers. The objects of study and the experience of the teacher and researcher in the games industry have delineated the research problem: how can the academic formation in undergraduate courses in the field of games contribute to the development of this national creative industry, promoting contemporary Brazilian identity? In order to answer the questioning, the hypothesis of the need for systemic reformulation of courses and pedagogical proposals is raised, especially regarding the valorisation of the creative process, with humanistic bases, to provide a critical view of the local culture. Thus, this research has as general objective to elaborate a proposal that collaborates with the formation of the professional for the national creative industry of games, contemplating local cultural questions and the contemporary demands. The theoretical framework is based on Novak (2010), Rogers (2012), McGonigal (2012), Castells (2000, 2001), Canclini (2015), Hall (2000), Ribeiro (2015), Adorno and Horkheimer (1947) and Anderson (2006). The research of qualitative character brings the documentary analysis that governs the superior courses of Technology in Digital Games and Bachelor of Games Design in Institutions of Higher Education (IES) in the city of São Paulo and metropolitan region. To test the hypothesis, in addition to the documents, interviews were conducted with professionals from the indie games producers, accompanied by bibliographical research, online, in periodicals and documents of the area. This thesis corroborates the bridge between what is offered in academia and what is demanded in industry, proposing to highlight the interdisciplinarity that values the areas of humanities and business, privileging Brazilian identity characteristics, to the detriment of purely technical and instrumental teaching, responsible by the reproduction of the hegemonic cultural industry of games.
games , práxis pedagógica , formação profissional , indústria cultural , indústria criativa , identidade cultural nacional
Assuntos Scopus
CARAMELLO, Érika Fernanda. Vida extra: vivendo e aprendendo na indústria brasileira de games. 2019. 229 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2019.