Cenários de práticas pedagógicas no 5º ano do ensino fundamental : professores, alunos e pesquisadora

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Resende, Adriana Torquato
Mizukami, Maria da Graca Nicoletti
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Andrade, Maria de Fátima Ramos de
Ambrogi, Ingrid Hötte
Tancredi, Regina Maria Simoes Puccinelli
Reali, Aline Maria de Medeiros Rodrigues
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
This research deals with teaching practices developed in the 5th year of elementary school. These practices are reported from different perspectives: that of teachers, their students and researcher, setting up scenarios that complement each other. Developed in a public school in the city of Osasco, SP, has as main objective to analyze pedagogical practices of teachers of the 5th year of elementary school. The central question is: ""What are the contributions of reports from teachers, students and the researcher to the understanding of pedagogical practices developed in the fifth year of elementary school?" Data collection was done through interviews with teachers and students based on a semi-structured script and participant observation of some classes of those teachers. The data are analyzed from a qualitative perspective, having as main reference theoretical authors like Darling-Hammond (2014), Cochran-Smith (2000), Marcelo García (1999), Mizukami (2004; 2010), Nóvoa (2011), Shulman ( 2004; 2014), Souza (2009) and others. Are addressed topics such as teacher's role, teaching and learning, teaching professional knowledge, learning to teach, teaching strategies and self-descriptions of teachers in some media productions. The work is justified because the analysis of pedagogical practices developed by 5th grade teachers can help in understanding what they know and what do these professionals so that their students learn the contents proposed, outlining what Shulman (2014) calls knowledge base required for teaching. The research can also contribute to the teacher education, as the reported practices can be used as elements of reflection and possible modification of the thinking, beliefs, actions and theories of teachers and graduates. The data collected showed that, in the opinion of respondents, teaching learning is developmental, because on many occasions the teachers said that we must "always learning" or "continue learning." The main sources of teaching learning they cited were the experience in the classroom, in practice; the high school courses of teacher education; other teachers and courses, such as specializations and others. They understand that to teach is a mission that requires dedication and commitment, seeing teaching as a complex profession that must be learned. Teachers synthesized their practices and knowledge that underlie these practices in the following actions: make a diagnosis of class to find out what they already know and what they need to learn; arouse the interest of students; have control of the work in the classroom, know the students and improve their self-esteem. The practices described by the students highlighted their appreciation for group work, clothing materials, participation in performances and competitions. By observing the classes, the data showed that to plan, prepare and teach their lessons teachers use a base of knowledge learned in Teacher Education courses and explained in textbooks, curricula and training courses, but are not limited to this knowledge, valuing the experience.
práticas pedagógicas , aprendizagem da docência , ensino fundamental
Assuntos Scopus
RESENDE, Adriana Torquato. Cenários de práticas pedagógicas no 5º ano do ensino fundamental : professores, alunos e pesquisadora. 2017. 249 f. Tese( Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.