A Comissão Nacional da Verdade: significados para a efetivação dos direitos humanos e contribuição para construção de uma educação política
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Cardoso, Rogério da Silva
Araujo, Paulo Roberto Monteiro de
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Schwartz, Rosana Maria Pires Barbato
Resende, Patrícia Helena Soares Fonseca Rossi de
Reis, Mariza de Fátima
Carvalho, Francione Oliveira
Resende, Patrícia Helena Soares Fonseca Rossi de
Reis, Mariza de Fátima
Carvalho, Francione Oliveira
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
The purpose of this thesis has been that of showing the recent factors in Brazilian social, political and cultural scene, factors which have opened their way to the creation of The National Committee of Truth, designed to investigate violations against human rights during the Brazilian Military Regime in the period within 1964 and 1985. It has thus been a major objective to understand and emphasize the meaning and importance of the National Committee of Truth (NCT) in the aspects related to memory and truth recognition and further revision of Brazilian political history concerning the above mentioned period, being this considered a practical effectuation of both human rights and citizenship, and electing the term recognition as a hermeneutical key due to the semantic here applied to the term, in which the following aspect is reassured: it is what happens and can only happen to knowledge when it is officially approved of, when it becomes part of the public cognitive scene, being thus neither concealed nor put aside. In this research a hermeneutical-comprehensive approach has been adopted, based on the premise that history and memory are nation culture constituent elements, bringing, each of them in its own nature, the dynamic and constant challenge of casting new prospects derived from historical elements, submitting them to review especially when a politically repressive scene, where an authoritarian regime destroys civil freedom, is changed into a democratic political scene, in which civil freedom is reassured and new meanings of freedom may be found out. The pedagogical aspect Of NCT has been also analyzed, with its contribution being defended for the building of a political education, in accordance with the principles of Democratic State, so that violations of human rights won’t ever occur by means of the coordination and systematization of the power of the State. And also, aiming at the foundation of a citizenship formation for the generations ahead, a cast of contemporary educators and also the Postulate of the Human Rights Declaration have been used in this research, in order to demonstrate the convergence of educational themes to the NCT proposals for education and culture. The conclusion has been that the historical content produced by NCT, presented in its final report, fits the increasing of theoretical content for the confection of didactic material concerning education, which emphasizes both the importance of human rights and the fundamental ethic principles of a Democratic State
educação , democracia , direitos humanos , história , memória , política
Assuntos Scopus
CARDOSO, Rogério da Silva. A Comissão Nacional da Verdade: significados para a efetivação dos direitos humanos e contribuição para construção de uma educação política. 2016. 113 f. Tese( Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.