Formação docente e relações étnico raciais na educação: reflexões sobre identidade afrodescendente dos alunos da faculdade Zumbi dos Palmares

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Campos, Elane Silva
Masini, Elcie Aparecida Fortes Salzano
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Souza Neto, João Clemente de
Araujo, Paulo Roberto Monteiro de
Bahia, Norinês Panicacci
Moura, Maria Cecilia de
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
The social context in different historical moments has established identity references, which model is tangled with conditional foundation, in which has determined identity as something stiff, besides all cultural shifts. This research has investigated the scholastic establishment, as well as the ethnic racial relations and afro-descendant identities in the education field. The question of this research is: Can Zumbi dos Palmares College support the formation/inclusion process in addition to the development of its afro descendant students identity? Regarding this issue, this essay’s goal lies in analyzing the diffusion and conception of identities in addition to the schooling of afro-descendant students from the Pedagogy Course from Zumbi dos Palmares College-SP. The methodology for this paper was guided by literature review in order to, theoretically, map a cultural social historical perspective of the relations of body, genre, race, ethnicity and identity, based, primarily in Michel Foucault (1992), Kabengele Munanga (2003), Paul Gilroy (2007) and Stuart Hall (2003), moreover, a case study, in order to analyze the context of these questions in the academic field. In favor of fulfilling the empirical research, Zumbi dos Palmares College - SP and 30 students of its Pedagogy Course were selected as the study scope for this research. In the first part of the research, it was applied a questionnaire with direct questions to these 30 students. In the second part, 7 selected students (out of the 30 ones), who decided spontaneously to participate in this second part, were interviewed, in order to go further in the question related to our study. To deal with historic questions and afro descendants access to education, Beatriz Petronilha (2003, 2007), Edward E. Telles (2004) e Abdias Nascimento (2004) were ellected and, as reference to the analysis of the collected data, Laurence Bardin (2011) and Maria L. P. B. Franco (2003). This research indicates that the ethnic racial relations and afro-descendant identities are interlaced in cultural, historical and social political processes. Data analysis demonstrates that the educational process, as well as the inclusion of these students, infiltrates the particularity of each subject in its own singularity. Different educational and socio-cultural aspects indicate that the education/inclusion, additionally to the identity construction of the analyzed subjects, gets intermingled with what’s known about race, and, most of all, what it is to be black, or not, in Brazil.
formação docente , raça , etnia , identidade afrodescendente
Assuntos Scopus
CAMPOS, Elane Silva. Formação docente e relações étnico raciais na educação: reflexões sobre identidade afrodescendente dos alunos da faculdade Zumbi dos Palmares. 2016. 175 f. Tese( Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.