Trajetórias de mulheres professoras no Instituto Federal de São Paulo (IFSP): campus São Paulo
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Citações (Scopus)
Cerqueira, Maria Cristina Rizzetto
Tancredi, Regina Maria Simões Puccinelli
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Membros da banca
Ambrogi, Ingrid Hötte
Pagotto, Maria Dalva Silva
Mizukami, Maria da Graça Nicoletti
Rosito, Margaréte May Berkenbrock
Pagotto, Maria Dalva Silva
Mizukami, Maria da Graça Nicoletti
Rosito, Margaréte May Berkenbrock
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
The starting point of this thesis was the observation a little number of women teaching technical disciplines in areas such as engineering, architecture and technologies at IFSP Campus Sao Paulo. This fact lead to question the profile of this group and their life stories as women teaching in a masculine environment. Therefore, the main aims was to analyse the professional careers of these women according to their own perspectives. The methodological approach was a qualitative research with open interviews and narratives as data collection. The participants were seven academics who were teaching in areas such as mechanical engineering, construction and electro technology and who started to work at IFSP between 1976 and 1999. In interviewing and portraying parts of the life of these academics, we include them in the history of education, as they are relevant local agents and writers of a real history in the professional education. Among the results, it is possible to observe their influence in the institutional changes as well as in the life of their students. Moreover, they worked as managers in different levels and areas of the institution and were part of administrative teams of the campus. These academics also developed research in their own educational fields. In having the narratives of these academics in evidence, we managed to understand how this group of women win their own professional space in a predominantly male environment. This achievement happened due to the pioneering way they contributed to the management of their institution as well as their research and professional behaviour.
educação superior , trajetórias profissionais de mulheres docentes , ensino-aprendizagem , higher educacion , female teachers professional trajectorie , teaching-learning
Assuntos Scopus
CERQUEIRA, Maria Cristina Rizzetto. Trajetórias de mulheres professoras no Instituto Federal de São Paulo (IFSP): campus São Paulo. 2014. 144 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação, Arte e História) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2014.