As medidas de apoio para as pessoas com Transtorno do Espectro Autista nas escolas públicas na cidade de São Paulo : análise a partir do direito e da educação brasileira e portuguesa comparados
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Tibyriçá, Renata Flores
D'Antino, Maria Eloisa Famá
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Membros da banca
Carreiro, Luiz Renato Rodrigues
Araújo, Luiz Alberto David
Mendes, Enicéia Gonçalves
Santos, Mariana Chies Santiago
Araújo, Luiz Alberto David
Mendes, Enicéia Gonçalves
Santos, Mariana Chies Santiago
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
A política de inclusão escolar das pessoas com deficiência, incluindo as pessoas com transtorno
do espectro autista, é um dos temas mais atuais na medida em que as matrículas de alunos com
deficiência avançam a cada ano. No entanto, pais e mães de pessoas com TEA reclamam da
falta de um atendimento adequado nas escolas e que seus filhos, que a despeito de matriculados,
encontram-se excluídos. A legislação brasileira, especialmente a Convenção Internacional
sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência e a Lei Brasileira de Inclusão da Pessoa com
Deficiência trazem alguns princípios e garantias para os alunos com deficiência, incluindo os
alunos com TEA. Assim, esta tese tem por objetivo geral descrever e analisar comparativamente
a política de inclusão escolar para as pessoas com transtorno do espectro autista nas diferentes
instâncias dos governos do Brasil (federal, estadual e municipal) e de Portugal. Neste sentido,
a pesquisa realiza um estudo comparativo, a partir de pesquisa documental de legislação, da
política de medidas de apoio nas escolas públicas, bem como o procedimento de concessão
destas medidas, para as pessoas com TEA no Brasil, no Estado e no Município de São Paulo, e
em Portugal. Também elabora um roteiro de entrevista estruturada para aplicação em gestores
de educação para identificação das medidas de apoio disponíveis e o procedimento para sua
concessão nas escolas públicas da cidade de São Paulo. E faz ainda um estudo descritivo e um
estudo de campo das medidas de apoio e do procedimento de concessão destas medidas de uma
região da cidade de São Paulo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, mista, que foi dividida em
três partes. A primeira, de coleta de dados de documentos legislativos referentes às medidas de
apoio e procedimento para sua concessão nas escolas públicas estaduais e municipais para as
pessoas com transtorno do espectro autista conforme a legislação brasileira, incluindo a do
Estado e do Município de São Paulo e legislação portuguesa e análise destes dados com a
elaboração de fluxogramas e tabela comparativa a fim de identificar semelhanças e diferenças.
A segunda, de elaboração de roteiro de entrevista estruturada sobre as medidas de apoio
disponíveis e o procedimento para sua concessão nas escolas públicas da cidade de São Paulo
para aplicação com gestores de três níveis. E a terceira, de identificação das escolas públicas
estaduais e municipais de uma região da cidade de São Paulo e análise de dados contidos nos
ofícios enviados às Secretarias de Estado da Educação e de Educação do Município de São
Paulo e das respostas ao roteiro de entrevista estruturada elaborado a partir das medidas de
apoio que devem ser disponibilizadas para eliminar/superar barreiras, bem como o
procedimento de concessão das medidas, conforme a legislação brasileira e aplicados com
gestores. Os resultados indicaram que há diferenças entre a legislação brasileira e portuguesa,
sendo esta última bem mais detalhada e com muitas diretrizes, prevendo um procedimento
específico para concessão de medidas de suporte à aprendizagem e à inclusão. Ademais, os
dados decorrentes dos ofícios e as entrevistas trouxeram informações importantes que
complementaram a análise dos textos legais. Assim, conclui-se que a legislação brasileira não
contem diretrizes claras para inclusão escolar. Diante disto, há barreiras que não são superadas,
levando a judicialização das questões sobre medidas de apoio. O diagnóstico das dificuldades
e o conhecimento de outra legislação podem contribuir para efetivar o direito fundamental à
educação dos alunos com deficiência, em especial dos alunos com TEA.
The policy of school inclusion of people with disabilities, including people with autism spectrum disorders, is one of the most current issues considering increase of enrollment of students with disabilities. Despite of enrolled, fathers and mothers of people with ASD complain about the lack of adequate care in schools and that their children in fact are excluded. Brazilian legislation, especially the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Brazilian Law on the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities, provide some principles and guarantees for students with disabilities, including students with ASD. Thus, this thesis aims to describe and analyze comparatively the policy of school inclusion for people with autism spectrum disorder in different instances of the governments of Brazil (federal, state and municipal) and Portugal. In this way, the research makes a comparative study, based on documentary research of legislation, the policy of support measures in public schools, as well as the procedure of granting these measures, for people with ASD in Brazil, the State and the Municipality of São Paulo, and in Portugal. It also elaborates a structured interview script for application in education managers to identify the support measures available and the procedure for their granting in public schools in the city of São Paulo. And it also makes a descriptive study and a field study of the measures of support and the procedure of granting these measures of a region of the city of São Paulo. It is a qualitative, mixed research that has been divided into three parts. The first was the collection of data from legislative documents regarding support measures and procedures for granting them to public and state public schools for persons with autism spectrum disorders under Brazilian law, including those of the State and of the Municipality of São Paulo and Portuguese legislation and analysis of these data with the elaboration of flow charts and comparative table in order to identify similarities and differences. The second was the elaboration of a structured interview script about the available support measures and the procedure for granting them to public schools in the city of São Paulo for application with managers at three levels. And the third, the identification of state and municipal public schools in a region of the city of São Paulo and analysis of data contained in the letters sent to the State Secretariats of Education and Education of the Municipality of São Paulo and the responses to the structured interview script prepared from the support measures that must be made available to eliminate / overcome barriers, as well as the procedure for granting the measures, according to Brazilian legislation and applied with managers. The results indicated that there are differences between Brazilian and Portuguese legislation, the latter being much more detailed and with many guidelines, providing for a specific procedure to grant measures to support learning and inclusion. In addition, the data from the offices and the interviews brought important information that complemented the analysis of the legal texts. Thus, it is concluded that Brazilian legislation does not contain clear guidelines for school inclusion. Faced with this, there are barriers that are not overcome, leading to the judicialization of questions about support measures. The diagnosis of difficulties and knowledge of other legislation can contribute to the fundamental right to education of students with disabilities, especially students with ASD.
The policy of school inclusion of people with disabilities, including people with autism spectrum disorders, is one of the most current issues considering increase of enrollment of students with disabilities. Despite of enrolled, fathers and mothers of people with ASD complain about the lack of adequate care in schools and that their children in fact are excluded. Brazilian legislation, especially the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Brazilian Law on the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities, provide some principles and guarantees for students with disabilities, including students with ASD. Thus, this thesis aims to describe and analyze comparatively the policy of school inclusion for people with autism spectrum disorder in different instances of the governments of Brazil (federal, state and municipal) and Portugal. In this way, the research makes a comparative study, based on documentary research of legislation, the policy of support measures in public schools, as well as the procedure of granting these measures, for people with ASD in Brazil, the State and the Municipality of São Paulo, and in Portugal. It also elaborates a structured interview script for application in education managers to identify the support measures available and the procedure for their granting in public schools in the city of São Paulo. And it also makes a descriptive study and a field study of the measures of support and the procedure of granting these measures of a region of the city of São Paulo. It is a qualitative, mixed research that has been divided into three parts. The first was the collection of data from legislative documents regarding support measures and procedures for granting them to public and state public schools for persons with autism spectrum disorders under Brazilian law, including those of the State and of the Municipality of São Paulo and Portuguese legislation and analysis of these data with the elaboration of flow charts and comparative table in order to identify similarities and differences. The second was the elaboration of a structured interview script about the available support measures and the procedure for granting them to public schools in the city of São Paulo for application with managers at three levels. And the third, the identification of state and municipal public schools in a region of the city of São Paulo and analysis of data contained in the letters sent to the State Secretariats of Education and Education of the Municipality of São Paulo and the responses to the structured interview script prepared from the support measures that must be made available to eliminate / overcome barriers, as well as the procedure for granting the measures, according to Brazilian legislation and applied with managers. The results indicated that there are differences between Brazilian and Portuguese legislation, the latter being much more detailed and with many guidelines, providing for a specific procedure to grant measures to support learning and inclusion. In addition, the data from the offices and the interviews brought important information that complemented the analysis of the legal texts. Thus, it is concluded that Brazilian legislation does not contain clear guidelines for school inclusion. Faced with this, there are barriers that are not overcome, leading to the judicialization of questions about support measures. The diagnosis of difficulties and knowledge of other legislation can contribute to the fundamental right to education of students with disabilities, especially students with ASD.
educação , direito , políticas públicas , autismo
Assuntos Scopus
TIBYRIÇÁ, Renata Flores. As medidas de apoio para as pessoas com Transtorno do Espectro Autista nas escolas públicas na cidade de São Paulo : análise a partir do direito e da educação brasileira e portuguesa comparados. 2019. 192 f. Tese (Doutorado em Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2019.