Intervenções para o desenvolvimento de funções executivas em crianças de 4 a 6 anos de idade no contexto escolar e familiar

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Pereira, Ana Paula Prust
Seabra, Alessandra Gotuzo
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Teixeira, Maria Cristina Triguero Veloz
Silva, Paulo Fraga da
Joly, Maria Cristina Rodrigues Azevedo
Berberian, Arthur de Almeida
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
Executive functions (EF) refers to the skills needed to plan, initiate, implement and monitor intentional conduct, related to goals or environmental demands, allowing the individual driving behaviors to goals. They include inhibition, working memory, cognitive flexibility, selective attention, planning and organization. Develop strongly during childhood and changes in these functions are related to children's disorders. Early interventions for the development of FE can prevent deficits, providing benefits of short and long term, school and social environments. This study examined the effectiveness of the intervention on FE in Brazilian student Childhood Education and Elementary, comparing the effect only when the teacher receives the instruction and when teachers and parents to receive. Attended by 196 children from three schools of Early Childhood Education and Elementary Barueri. Were used: a) for evaluation, Simon Task, Trail Making Test, Attention Test for cancellation, Semantic Stroop Test, Columbia Mental Maturity Scale, Inventory of Executive Function and Children's Adjustment and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire; b) for intervention Early Intervention Program for Executive Functioning. Three groups were formed: Experimental Group I (GEI), whose teachers received training for intervention in FE; Experimental Group II (GEII), whose teachers and parents received training; and control group (CG), who continued with their usual activities without training. They were conducted: mixed Covariance analysis to investigate the effects of the intervention, with the groups as factors (GEI, GEII and GC). ANCOVA revealed significant effects on the interaction between groups in FE measures. The Trail Making Test for Preschoolers and Attention Test for Cancellation, the experimental group showed better performance compared to the control group. Interactions were found between groups in different measures of the SDQ, as reported by teachers, the experimental group had lower rates of difficulties in the post-test in Global Stress, emotional distress, difficulty behavior, Gentle Behavior and Emotional Disorder, however, this has occurred at the pre-test, so can not be interpreted as a gain of the intervention. On the other hand, the CG showed greater reductions of difficulties between pre- and post-test, although in the post-test, do not differentiate themselves from GEs. The results indicate a trend towards better performances in the experimental groups compared the average GC in different FE measures. The effects suggest gains for some measures but not for most of them with interventions promoted in educational and family background.
intervenção precoce , funções executivas , auto-regulação , escola , professores
Assuntos Scopus
PEREIRA, Ana Paula Prust. Intervenções para o desenvolvimento de funções executivas em crianças de 4 a 6 anos de idade no contexto escolar e familiar. 2016. 207 f. Tese (Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.