Análise do padrão dos movimentos oculares em tarefas de leitura: relações entre processamento lexical, sintático e semântico
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Rosa, Alexandre Tadeu Faé
Macedo, Elizeu Coutinho de
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Membros da banca
Boggio, Paulo Sérgio
Seabra, Alessandra Gotuzo
Navas, Ana Luiza Gomes Pinto
Lukasova, Katerina
Seabra, Alessandra Gotuzo
Navas, Ana Luiza Gomes Pinto
Lukasova, Katerina
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
Discourse, in all its modalities, is constituted based upon a certain hierarchy of different linguistic levels. The meaning of a linguistic element is always expressed in the relationship triggered by two or more elements which, however belonging to different levels, acquire a link. In this manner, through a hierarchy of dependence, diverse levels distinguish themselves via the logical mechanisms of implications. This doctorate thesis aims at showing the results of behavioural and eye tracking data during the reading of three different levels: (a) the lexical level which was studied with a lexical decision task in which behavioural data was correlated to the pattern of eye movements in the reading of words, non-words and pseudowords; (b) the syntactic level which was investigated with the reading of correct sentences (CS), sentences with the exchange of word order (WO) and sentences with concordance inversions (CI); (c) the semantic level, studied through sentences which can either be ambiguous or not. Behavioural data in the lexical decision test show that reaction time is higher to words than to non-words and pseudowords. The same pattern is present in the efficiency index in the task. Correctness are higher to non-words than to words and pseudowords. Data obtained from eye movements showed that words have higher fixation times than non-words, but pseudowords are not statistically different. The number of fixations is higher to pseudowords than to words and to pseudowords than to non-words. In the syntactic decision task, behavioural data show that there is no statistical significance for reaction time. Correct sentences are the ones which have a greater number correct hits, followed by sentences with word order inversion and sentences with concordance inversions, respectively. CS show higher efficiency index than CI and WW is also higher than CI. According to eye movements data, there is no difference in the number of fixations. However, time of fixation for CS is higher than for CI and for WW. CI and WW are not statistically different. For the semantic awareness task, behavioural data show that ambiguous sentences are read faster than sentences which have the action related to the object, but not for sentences whose the action is related to the subject. Eye movements data show that ambiguous sentences present a correlation between average number of fixations and reading time. For subject related sentences, the number of fixations is lower than for the ambiguous sentences and for object related sentences. However, the average fixation time is higher. Object related sentences present an average number of fixations lower than ambiguous sentences, but the average fixations time is higher. The part of the sentence related to the subject in ambiguous sentences present a correlation between number and time of fixation. The higher the number of fixation, the higher the time dedicated to these fixations. Subject related sentences present an average time of fixation which is similar to the ambiguous sentences, but the number of fixations is lower. For object related sentences, the number of fixations is lower than for the ambiguous sentences and time of reading is higher. The object of ambiguous sentences present a negative correlation between the number and time of fixation. The higher the number of fixation, the lower the time for fixation. Subject related sentences present a fixation time lower than the time of ambiguous sentences, but they present a similar number of fixations. For subject related sentences, the number of fixations is similar to the number of fixations of object related sentences, although the former present a lower time of fixations. When it comes to the reading of the subsequent sentence, ambiguous sentences present a negative correlation between the number and time of fixations. The higher the number of fixations, the lower the time. For subject related sentences, the subsequent sentence presents a number of fixations which is similar for the subsequent sentences in the ambiguous stimulus. Finally, for the subsequent sentence of object related sentences, the number of fixations is higher than the number of fixations in the subject related stimulus and lower than the ambiguous stimulus, but the time of fixation is higher than in the other two types of sentences.
leitura , movimentos oculares , decisão lexical , sintaxe , semântica
Assuntos Scopus
ROSA, Alexandre Tadeu Faé. Análise do padrão dos movimentos oculares em tarefas de leitura: relações entre processamento lexical, sintático e semântico. 2016. 123 f. Tese( Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .