Classificação de perfis de jogadores por meio de um jogo digital adaptativo

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Ohata, Daniel Domingos Akira de Sá Pimentel
Notargiacomo, Pollyana Coelho da Silva
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Lopes, Paulo Batista
Cardoso, Alexandre
Engenharia Elétrica
The player rating study helps in the production of digital games, to classify a player it is necessary to answer a questionnaire. Your answers will tell you which profile the player belongs to. The present work aims the development of an adaptive digital game to identify the player profile in one of Bartle's classification archetypes without the need for a form. This game was developed with the RPG Maker MV engine, and makes use of classic game designer and mechanics to bring the player into an immersive state. And with decision tree technique created by scripts, will indicate the player profile at the end of the game. After creating a prototype the next step is to perform tests with users, at the end of the tests there will be the profile found. To authenticate the test result, the volunteers answered Bartle's form and finally the results will be compared.
classificação de Bartle , perfil de jogador , jogo classificador , jogo adaptativo , árvore de decisão.
Assuntos Scopus
OHATA, Daniel Domingos Akira de Sá Pimentel. Classificação de perfis de jogadores por meio de um jogo digital adaptativo. 2019. 99 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica e Computação) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2019.