Estudo de métodos de modulação e codificação de canal para a próxima geração de TV terrestre
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Leone, Leonardo Fernando
Akamine, Cristiano
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Lopes, Paulo Batista
Arthur, Rangel
Arthur, Rangel
Engenharia Elétrica
This work aims at studying digital modulation and channel encoding for the next
generation of digital terrestrial TV. From existing studies on the efficiency of diferent channel encoders FEC (forward-error-correction) and modulation order It was possible to adapt ISDB-TB (Integrated System Digital Broadcast - Terrestrial ) using the BICM (Bit-Interleaver Coding Modulation) scheme. Computational tool Simulink made possible model, simulate and lift curves for such a system. It was reached asymptotic gain of up to 3,48 dB in comparition with ISDB-TB and a bit rate of up to 34,82 Mbps. In addition to the results generated in simulation, this paper presents an overview of the
scenario planned for the television content consumption taking as its starting point the UHDTV (Ultra-High Definition Television) and the internet. This paper also discusses the transmission techniques used by major TV systems in order to exploit their advantages regarding robustness and spectral efficiency.
modulação digital , codificação de canal , sistemas de TV
Assuntos Scopus
LEONE, Leonardo Fernando. Estudo de métodos de modulação e codificação de canal para a próxima geração de TV terrestre. 2016. 85 f. Dissertação (Engenharia Elétrica) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .