Um método de classificação em grupos de informações visando sua segurança
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Torres, José Antonio Corrales
Omar, Nizam
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Brosso, Maria Inês Lopes
Anzaloni, Alessandro
Anzaloni, Alessandro
Engenharia Elétrica
In the contemporary society, information and knowledge grew in importance and have become the most valuable assets, space and time are less relevant and more vulnerable due to the increasing mobile technology. New procedures and processes were created towards security. The information classification is the primary requirement to adjust rules and procedures, the protection level and cost. The current process is manual, restricted by the knowledge of few people and subject to imperfections. This study suggests a method to classify the information, regarding its confidentiality, using groups generated by an Artificial Neural Network. The development of this method was supported by studies of methodologies applied to information protection, to the technology and business risk management, classification methodologies and control structures. The implementation made use of a Neural Network, based on the Self-Organization Maps (SOM) of Kohonen, due to its heavy specialization on groups handling. The study case objective was the implementation and it considered the information from universities, due to their various properties (administrative, pedagogic and scientific research). The analysis of the results indicated the similarity among the elements that composed the groups generated by the training of the Neural Network, complemented by calculations using the original weights. The viability of the application of the considered method to an organization was confirmed.
informações , segurança , classificação das informações , redes
neurais , redes de Kohonen , mapas auto-organizáveis , information , security , information classification , artificial neural networks , Kohonen s net , self-organization maps
Assuntos Scopus
TORRES, José Antonio Corrales. Um método de classificação em grupos de informações visando
sua segurança. 2008. 154 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2008.