Imersão e emoção em jogos digitais: uma abordagem a partir de sistemas especialistas, lógica fuzzy e mapas auto-organizáveis

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Mendonça, Raphael Leal
Mustaro, Pollyana Notargiacomo
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Silveira, Ismar Frango
Cardoso, Alexandre
Engenharia Elétrica
Digital games have been highlighted in recent years because of its high growth in the international market. On this basis, some elements forming the digital games can be separated for study, and thus contribute to the development of the entertainment area. One of this elements is the concept of immersion. When this is analyzed, it is realized that there is a range of different variables that may influence the relationship with the link between the game and the player. From this, this dissertation aimed to the development of an expert system that is capable of, based on data obtained from responses to a set of statements online, provide a preview of the degree of immersion of a digital game. To do this, it was done a characterization the relevant variables and using techniques of artificial intelligence, such as expert systems. In this scope, it was also considered how these variables influence the player s emotion about the game. From this results in the degree of immersion, it was analyzed with the aid of other Artificial Intelligence techniques, such as expert systems, fuzzy logic and Self-Organizing Maps, to maximize the effectiveness of the process. The study s definition of these parameters involves the exploitation of basic theoretical concepts of digital games and the variables already found in the previous research (narrative, audio, video, social relations, artificial intelligence and gameplay). With this, it was found as the immersion and the elements of the game can influence the emotions of the player. To conduct the survey, a questionnaire was designed for online data capture, which was filled by a group of 96 players, resulting in 133 completed questionnaires, with 672 sets of defined variables and 3406 completed statements. These data were then transferred to the applications of Fuzzy Logic and Self-Organizing Maps, which analyzed the relationship between emotion and immersion. From the data collected, analyzes of the influence of the elements of digital games Action/Adventure style were made, setting how immersion and emotion behave between digital games of the same series and style, of the same platform and the same game released on different platforms. The potential for a type of emotion to show up was set for each game and emotion groups were found for the Action/Adventure games, with the highlights of groups where emotions like Love, Hate, Pride and Shame are more likely to affect the players. With this results of the research, it is expected to enable new researches and the establishment of a possible referral to the definition of guidelines to cooperate with the activities of professional game developers, as well as establish new intersections between the area of digital games and psychology.
imers&#259 , o , jogos digitais , emoç&#259 , o , sistema especialista , lógica fuzzy , self-organizing maps , immersion , digital games , emotion , expert systems , fuzzy logic , self-organizing maps
Assuntos Scopus
MENDONÇA, Raphael Leal. Imersão e emoção em jogos digitais: uma abordagem a partir de sistemas especialistas, lógica fuzzy e mapas auto-organizáveis. 2012. 185 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2012.