Radiação síncrotron coerente em aceleradores de laboratório e sua aplicação na interpretação do duplo espectro em explosões solares
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Citações (Scopus)
Cruz, Wellington Luiz da
Szpigel, Sérgio
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Kaufmann, Pierre
Selhorst, Caius Lucius
Selhorst, Caius Lucius
Ciências e Aplicações Geoespaciais
Recent observations of solar flares at high-frequencies have provided evidence of a new
spectral component with fluxes increasing with frequency in the sub-THz to THz range.
This new component occurs simultaneously but is separated from the well-known microwave
spectral component that maximizes at frequencies of a few to tens of GHz. The aim of this
work is to study in detail a mechanism recently suggested to describe the double spectrum
observed in solar flares based on the physical process known as microbunching instability,
which occurs with high-energy electron beams in laboratory accelerators. Such a process is
responsible for the production of synchrotron radiation with a double spectrum similar
to that observed in solar flares, showing a broadband coherent synchrotron radiation
component (CSR) and a distinct incoherent synchrotron radiation component (ISR) with
maximum at higher frequencies.
radiação , giromagnética , sincrotrônica , microbunching , terahertz
Assuntos Scopus
CRUZ, Wellington. Radiação síncrotron coerente em aceleradores de laboratório e sua aplicação na interpretação do duplo espectro em explosões solares. 2016. 89 f. Dissertação (Ciências e Aplicações Geoespaciais) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .