Cooperação jurídica internacional para o combate ao crime de lavagem de dinheiro
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Girardi, Karin Bianchini
Smanio, Gianpaolo Poggio
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Membros da banca
Rossini, Augusto Eduardo de Souza
Bechara, Fábio Ramazzini
Ferreira, Eduardo Dias de Souza
Bechara, Fábio Ramazzini
Ferreira, Eduardo Dias de Souza
Direito Político e Econômico
The purpose of this dissertation is to study international legal cooperation for the prevention and repression of money laundering, a crime that extends parallelally to the new economic, social and political relations of the world risk society. It begins by re-reading the classic dimension of state sovereignty and demonstrating the emergence of an International Cooperative Law and, in this context, of the evolution of the international criminal justice system, marked by the approximation of Common Law and Civil Law systems, as well as by maximizing mechanisms for legal cooperation in criminal matters through the use of traditional cooperative instruments and the most recent exchanges between Nations to contain the common problem of transnational crime. It proceeds with the presentation of the anti-money laundering system, international and national, with the assessment of the result of the last evaluation of Brazil by the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism – FATF, one of the most important intergovernmental organization in charge of establishing a world anti-money laundering network, responsible for the subsequent actions of the Estratégia Nacional de Combate à Corrupção e à Lavagem de Dinheiro – ENCCLA. It ends with the presentation of the legislation applied to the recovery of assets in the context of the money laundering offense, in particular the precautionary patrimonial proceedings, the repatriation of assets located abroad and the civil confiscation action, with the last illustration of statistical data provided by the Departamento de Recuperação de Ativos e Cooperação Jurídica Internacional – DRCI, measuring the effectiveness of mechanisms for international legal cooperation, in criminal matters, for the recovery of laundered assets, within the scope of the remarkable Operation Lava Jato of the Brazilian Federal Police.
sistema internacional de justiça penal , mecanismos cooperativos , lavagem de dinheiro , recuperação de bens , eficácia
Assuntos Scopus
GIRARDI, Karin Bianchini. Cooperação jurídica internacional para o combate ao crime de lavagem de dinheiro. 2018. 206 f. Dissertação (Direito Político e Econômico) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.