A accountability como mecanismo de controle social da atividade judicial

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Prado, Izabel Cristina Navarro
Almeida, Silvio Luiz de
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Membros da banca
Moreira, Adilson José
Almeida, Frederico Normanha Ribeiro de
Direito Político e Econômico
Accountability is a means of controlling of acts of the Public Power that presents two main modalities: vertical accountability and horizontal accountability. The vertical accountability refers to the control carried out through the elections, where the voters express their judgment regarding the performance of the politician during the electoral mandate. The horizontal accountability deals with the relationship of reciprocal control between state agencies or powers or checks and balances. The application of accountability to the Judiciary is necessary not only due to the great independence of this Power, but also because, unlike the other powers, this power is not affected by vertical controls, since it is not an elected power. Before the creation of the CNJ, the Judiciary did not have an effective control over its performance. The CNJ is an administrative and disciplinary control body of the Judiciary. It is discussed in the research if the CNJ exercises a horizontal accountability role and if with its creation the Judiciary reached an adequate degree of accountability.
accountability , controle democrático , Poder Judiciário , CNJ , estado de direito , accountability horizontal , accountability vertical , checks and balances
Assuntos Scopus
PRADO, Izabel Cristina Navarro. A accountability como mecanismo de controle social da atividade judicial. 2018. 140 f. Dissertação (Direito Político e Econômico) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.