Aplicação de medida socioeducativa de internação em casos de tráfico de entorpecentes envolvendo adolescentes: uma análise do discurso da jurisprudência condenatória do tribunal de justiça de São Paulo em face da doutrina da proteção integral à infância e à adolescência (2011-2015)

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Vieito, Ana Carolina Esposito
Duarte, Clarice Seixas
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Lima, Fernando Rister de Sousa
Alarcón, Pietro de Jesús Lora
Direito Político e Econômico
The present research aims to identify the legal and not legal arguments presented by the São Paulo Court of Justice regarding the application of confinement socio-educational measures in cases involving adolescents and the traffic of narcotics. Since the Geneva Declaration of 1924 until the 1989 Children's Rights International Convention many obstacles have been overcome for the realization of children's rights. In Brazil, international documents were used as basis for the elaboration of the Federal Constitution of 1988 and for the Statute of the Child and the Adolescent, an instrument in which the Integral Protection Doctrine introduced itself and represented a rupture with the Irregular Situation Doctrine. In this context, in what regards to adolescents who have committed infractions, the Child and Adolescent Statute foresees the application, by the State, of socio-educational correctional measures, including the social-educative confinement under article 122. Although these are the principles and guidelines of the Statute of the Child and the Adolescent, the state of São Paulo has a large contingent of adolescentes that are in juvenil detention due narcotic trafficking. Given this scenario, the present research presents theoretical and empirical aspects. It begins with a historical analysis of the legislation since the Geneva Declaration until the construction of the Integral Protection Doctrine and its incorporation into the Brazilian law system, followed by the presentation of data concerning the adolescents who are in the socio-educational juvenil detention system and the traffic of narcotics, establishing a theoretical analysis of the relation between the law, the adolescent and the infraction act and, the society. Finally, through documentary research, which includes seven decisions rendered by the Court of Justice of São Paulo during the period of 2011 to 2015, which were collected on the court's own website, it is presented the content of the speech delivered by the judges when applying the social-educative hospitalization measure sentence. For the elaboration of the discourse analysis, it was used the method presented by Eni Orlandi (ORLANDI, 2009). It is concluded that the judicial decisions, which condemn the adolescent to the social-educative confinement, present arguments that raise the question of public safety and resemble those used in the Irregular Situation Doctrine time.
doutrina da proteção integral , Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente , tráfico de entorpecentes , medida socioeducativa de internação , análise de discurso
Assuntos Scopus
VIEITO, Ana Carolina Esposito. Aplicação de medida socioeducativa de internação em casos de tráfico de entorpecentes envolvendo adolescentes: uma análise do discurso da jurisprudência condenatória do tribunal de justiça de São Paulo em face da doutrina da proteção integral à infância e à adolescência (2011-2015). 2017. 151 f. Dissertação (Direito Político e Econômico) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.