As atribuições da Petrobras na exploração do petróleo no pré-sal à luz do projeto constitucional de superação do subdesenvolvimento
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Tokarski, André Pereira Reinert
Bercovici, Gilberto
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Siqueira Neto, José Francisco
Massonetto, Luís Fernando
Massonetto, Luís Fernando
Direito Político e Econômico
The Federal Constitution of 1988 set in motion a project of national emancipation and overcoming underdevelopment. It has established that the exploration and extraction of the petroleum deposits are monopolies of the Union;; defined national sovereignty as one of the principles of the economic order. The exploration and production of petroleum are therefore linked to the objectives and principles set forth in the economic order of the Federal Constitution and are related to the guarantee of national development. This dissertation, from the perspective of economic law, proposes to analyze the attributions and tasks of Petrobras in the face of recent changes in the exploratory regime of the pre-salt, and how they relate to the constitutional project of overcoming underdevelopment. It is understood that the proposed changes, if done, could weaken the role of Petrobras as a public company destined not only to explore and produce oil and its derivatives, but also to coordinate an important part of the development of the national industry, fundamental to the effective sovereignty and development. The Law 13.365 / 2016 modified the sharing agreement and reduced Petrobras' role in exploring the pre-salt. We may face another attempt to block the transforming clauses of the Constitution and the delivery of our natural wealth to the interests of multinational corporations and other countries. Such a situation can impose new tasks on economic law, given the risks and threats to sovereignty and the achievement of overcoming underdevelopment.
constituição econômica , desenvolvimento , direito econômico , pré-sal , Petrobras
Assuntos Scopus
TOKARSKI, André Pereira Reinert. As atribuições da Petrobras na exploração do petróleo no pré-sal à luz do projeto constitucional de superação do subdesenvolvimento. 2017. 96 f. Dissertação (Direito Político e Econômico) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.