Cidadania e o exercício do poder de polícia

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Sonnenburg, Solveig Fabienne
Tanaka, Sônia Yuriko Kanashiro
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Mascaro, Alysson Leandro Barbate
Garcia, Maria
Direito Político e Econômico
This study addresses the evolution of some institutions, realities of social coexistence, including citizenship and fundamental freedoms, lifted up as an constitutional ballast, as a precondition for human existence and social order. It examines the role of the state and its performance under administrative control specifically in the exercise of those freedoms, through the so-called police power. Thus, it begins with a historical perspective of citizenship, under various doctrinal issues. Following it approaches the assessment of citizenship in the Federal Constitution, specially in the fundamental rights, emphasyzing freedom and property, the specific objects of administrative restrictions. It develops the concept of state and its goals, discuss the government and their functions, among which is the police power. Next, the study deals with the evolution of the power of police, their main doctrinal characteristics and attributes, through critical analysis in its application and influence in society. Finally, we conclude the research identifying opportunities for participation of citizens in this zone still restricted entirely to the interference of the state as trustee.
cidadania , Constituição Federal , liberdade individual , estado , poder de polícia , citizenship , constitution , individual freedom , state , police power
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