O Congresso Nacional no século XXI: os efeitos da corrupção sobre a representação política
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Lauandos, Artur Rega
Caggiano, Monica Herman Salem
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Barbosa Filho, Marcelo Fortes
Almeida, Fernanda Dias Menezes de
Almeida, Fernanda Dias Menezes de
Direito Político e Econômico
This study aims to investigate the relationship between democracy and corruption, in particular the impacts that the phenomenon brings to the greatest locus of political representation in the Brazilian society: the Parliament. To that end, a detailed analysis of the institution is made, since its origins in England, the periods of historical development and its tasks and challenges in the twenty-first century. An investigation is made, in a historical perspective, of the formation of Parliament in Brazil, of the political and economic forces which influenced and composed it and how corruption was inserted in its interior subtracting its functions that are so important and characteristic, especially political representation. For this latest research, some cases of corruption are taken, by investigating its origins, the personal relationships that they exploit, the power network in which they take place and the effects on the development of congressmen activities. Corruption is presented as a result and as a factor of the maintenance of institutional underdevelopment in societies of patrimonial domination and as a symptom of the contradictions of modern democracies.
Congresso Nacional , corrupção , representação política , democracia , parliament , corruption , political representation , democracy