O novo marco regulatório do setor portuário e o desenvolvimento nacional

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Freitas, José Carlos Higa de
Bercovici, Gilberto
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Pinto, Felipe Chiarello de Souza
Massonetto, Luís Fernando
Direito Político e Econômico
This dissertation aims at analysing the new regulatory framework for the port sector established with the enactment of Law nº. 12.815 of June 5th 2013, which was regulated by Decree 8.033 of June 27th 2013. This study focus on the change of functions of the main administrative bodies that are responsible for regulating the port sector, especially the concentration of powers at the federal level. Furthermore, it also discusses the changes in the forms of exploitation of ports and port facilities, contemplating a possible regulatory asymmetry that is reflected on the port work. All changes promoted by the new regulatory framework for the port sector are analyzed according to the National Transportation System, considering the role they can play in ensuring national development, which is treated from the perspective of regional integration and modification of economic and social structures. Finally, we highlighted issues which were not discussed directly by the new law of the ports but need to be considered to picture the port as a development tool.
porto , lei n°. 12.815 de 5 de junho de 2013 , modelo administrativo , formas de exploração dos portos e instalações portuárias , trabalho portuário , política de transporte , desenvolvimento nacional , port , law n. 12.815 of june 5th 2013 , regulation model , port exploitation , port work , transport policy , national development
Assuntos Scopus
FREITAS, José Carlos Higa de. O novo marco regulatório do setor portuário e o desenvolvimento nacional. 2016. 121 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2016.