Mídia e ideologia: limites e aspectos na forma política

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Dias, Luis Marçal Roriz
Bercovici, Gilberto
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Mascaro, Alysson Leandro Barbate
Massonetto, Luís Fernando
Direito Político e Econômico
This work unfolds in three stages. The first addresses the relationship between the mode of production and therefore of socialization of individuals in this moment of contemporary capitalism with the concepts of Ideology, Ideological State Apparatuses (IEA), and the impacts that cause in individuals and their relationships. The second part focuses on how the media (one of IEA), particularly the means of communication, affects the social reality and the interaction of these individuals with this social environment, specifically in what concern our representative democracy. Finally, the third stage, more empirical, will be studied the media reality of Brazil, the concentration of power that occurs in a means of social communication, broadcasting service, specifically the issue of broadcast TV concessions, and the way that gives the exploitation of this public good by oligopolies.
ideologia , aparelhos ideológicos de Estado , mídia , democracia , tv aberta , ideology , ideological State apparatuses , media , democracy , broadcast television
Assuntos Scopus
DIAS, Luis Marçal Roriz. Mídia e ideologia: limites e aspectos na forma política. 2016. 121 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2016.