A regulação estatal e o controle judicial da saúde suplementar como fatores de efetivação do direito à saúde: direito social e do consumidor
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Fabretti, Fernanda Massad de Aguiar
Bucci, Maria Paula Dallari
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Membros da banca
Duarte, Clarice Seixas
Direito Político e Econômico
This paper presents an analysis of the constitutional right to health as a social right, as well as consumer rights as provided by the private sector as supplemental to the provision of services directly by the state. The analysis is about the general and specific consumer s rules for the private health sector, as well as statistics and case studies that demonstrate the growing membership of private health insurance by the Brazilian population as well as the constant violation of the rules imposed on the sector by the plans operators. Being the health a subject of public relevance although provided by the private sector, suffers strong supervision and regulation of the state, with specific regulatory agency, established. Then we analyze the quality of the supervision of the National Health Agency, as well as the judiciary in ensuring the right to health as a social right and the right of the consumer, which should result in the reduction of the demand for the judiciary about issues related to sector.
saúde , direito do consumidor , agência reguladora e judicialização , health , consumer law , regulatory agency , judicary and search
Assuntos Scopus
FABRETTI, Fernanda Massad de Aguiar. A regulação estatal e o controle judicial da saúde suplementar como fatores de efetivação do direito à saúde: direito social e do consumidor. 2014. 120 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2014.