Crise do Direito ou dos direitos?: uma reflexão sobre o formalismo no processo civil e o acesso à justiça
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Forjaz, Regina Coeli Pacini de Moraes
Siqueira Neto, José Francisco
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Smanio, Gianpaolo Poggio
Silveira, Vladmir Oliveira da
Silveira, Vladmir Oliveira da
Direito Político e Econômico
This work was the result of a national and worldwide juridic research in many branches of juridic knowledge, as Law s History, Law s General Theory, Constitutional Law and Civil
Process Law. Based in the generalized crisis diagnose which affects the Brazilian Judiciary Institution, we intend demonstrate that the constitutional principles as large defense, due process of law do not guarantee justice access. Offering solutions in the direction of process efectiveness and juridical protection is modern doctrine purpose, in order to reach celerity, without compromise juridical-insurance. The polemics is torned between Civil Process Law formalism followers and those who wants it more flexible. This task is directed not only to Law Society but also to the Brazilian Civil Society as a whole, once it demands both institutional, legislative and ethical behaviors changes, concerning to legal proceedings because it is an important citizenship instrument.
teoria geral do direito , direito processual , direito processual
constitucional , acesso à justiça , formalismo jurídico , law general theory , processual civil , constitutional law , law access , law formalism
Assuntos Scopus
FORJAZ, Regina Coeli Pacini de Moraes. Crise do Direito ou dos direitos?: uma reflexão sobre o formalismo no processo civil e o acesso à justiça. 2007. 114 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2007.