Liberdade de informação jornalística e seus limites frente à democracia brasileira atual

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Morte, Luciana Tudisco Oliveira
Tavares, André Ramos
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Smanio, Gianpaolo Poggio
Silva, Guilherme Amorim Campos da
Direito Político e Econômico
Both freedom of expression and the press are in evidence in the world today. Freedom of the press has a key role in monitoring and complaints of crimes and / or conduct detrimental to society, especially with regard to acts of public power. Exercising widely freedom of communication, guard means, in modern society, the formation of public opinion and free solidification of democratic rule of law. Given this important role taken by the freedom of communication, some argue a full and unlimited freedom, ruling out any form of regulation, oversight or limitation of such activity by the state. However, as with other constitutional freedoms, freedoms of speech and press are limits to its exercise. This work aims to address the freedom of speech and press forward to their limits.
liberdade , expressão , imprensa , democracia , limites , freedom , expression , press , democracy , limits
Assuntos Scopus
MORTE, Luciana Tudisco Oliveira. Liberdade de informação jornalística e seus limites frente à democracia brasileira atual. 2013. 127 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2013.