Efetivação dos direitos difusos e coletivos: ação civil pública

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Santos, Ana Claudia Schwenck dos
Smanio, Gianpaolo Poggio
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Duarte, Clarice Seixas
Ribeiro, Lauro Luiz Gomes
Direito Político e Econômico
The protection of diffuse and collective rights is to protect the collective interests. Social development has increased the number of lawsuits based on the same factual situation and that can be pled through the collective protection of r ights, though the procedural mechanisms aimed at this type of protect ion was inadequate. In this context emerged the Public Civil Act ion (Law 7.347/85) as a judicial way of providing protect ion to dif fuse and collect ive rights and its ef fectiveness. The presente study s object ive is to analyze the cur rent situat ion in which the collective protection in Brazil is, focusing on the importance of the public civi l act ion in the recognition of dif fuse and collective rights through, in part icular, the work of Prosecutors. To achieve this purpose the research analyzes performance reports to identify the ef fectiveness of col lective protection demonstrated by them.
direitos difusos , direitos coletivos , tutela coletiva , afetividade , ação civil pública , direitos difusos , direitos coletivos , tutela coletiva , efetividade , ação civil pública
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