Substituição processual sindical

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Pimenta, Adriana Campos de Souza Freire
Siqueira Neto, José Francisco
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Smanio, Gianpaolo Poggio
Delgado, Maurício Godinho
Direito Político e Econômico
In Brazil, through social rights were recognized, in parallel, the civil and political rights. Even at authoritarian times, social rights have been formally recognized, given that the Federal Constitution of 1988 gave them enormous attention. However, realization of social rights requires, beyond the state action, the commitment of workers and their unions, occupying Article 8., III CF/88 position of prominence in this particular, by allowing the union, as a procedural substitute, to file lawsuits in defense of collective rights (especially of a certain workers class) and homogeneous individual rights of its members. This ensures isonomic access to justice to the members of the class (especially professional), and also decrease the excessive amount of individual claims and increase the number of workers protected. Finally, the most frequent activities of the union as a procedural substitute for workers, beyond strengthening the ties between them, will reduce the low rate of spontaneous compliance of the constitutional and legal norms which enshrine social rights by employers, also reducing, as a result, judicial cases and relieving the Labor Courts.
direitos sociais , garantia , efetividade , Constituição Federal de 1988 (Artigo 8º) , substituição processual ampla e irrestrita , direitos coletivos lato sensu , acesso à justiça , cumprimento espontâneo da legislação social , redução do número de processos judiciais , social rights , guarantee , effectiveness , Federal Constitution of 1988 (Article 8.) , replacement procedure broad and unrestricted , broadly collective rights , access to justice , spontaneous fulfillment of social legislation , reducing the number of judicial proceedings
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