Parceria entre Estado e organizações sociais sob a ótica da participação e do controle social
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Oliveira, Paula Julieta Jorge de
Ribeiro, Hélcio
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Membros da banca
Bertolin, Patrícia Tuma Martins
Rocha, Antônio Sérgio Carvalho
Rocha, Antônio Sérgio Carvalho
Direito Político e Econômico
The crisis of the Welfare State and the strengthening of civil society led emerge neoliberal postulates that countered the state protection to social and economic rights. Moreover, taking advanted of the gap between the diametrically opposed, came a stream to public management reform, which was considered inefficient and bureaucratic, while they wanted to invest in the capacity of civil society to meet their own desires through nonprofit public interest entities. Arose, therefore, partnerships between State and Social Organizations, with a view to ensuring quality public services, provided by those organizations with public funds. This funding model is based on the development of citizenship so that the citizens-users through participation, they engage in social control of those organizations. In this work, we intend to observe the formation of partnerships State-Social Organizations, inquiring about the mechanisms of participation and control over the activities of those entities and their services.
sociedade civil , reforma do estado , organizações sociais , parcerias , controle , participação , civil society , public management reform , social organizations , partnerships , control participation