O efeito do domínio de aprendizagem no desempenho individual mediado pela capacidade de absorção: uma aplicação com advogados

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Horta, Rachel Nogueira Calcagno
Popadiuk, Silvio
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Membros da banca
Franklin, Marcos Antonio
Costa, Priscila Rezende da
Miguel, Lilian Aparecida Pasquini
Muniz Junior, Jorge
Administração de Empresas
This study aimes to measure the levels of absorptive capacity (ACAP) as the mediator in the relationship of learning domains – cognitive, relationship/behavior, ability-, based on Bloom's Taxonomy, and the individual performance of lawyers. The reasearch sample has 102 lawyers who work as associate or hired employees in law firms in the city of São Paulo, São Paulo State. The theme choice was based on the lack of academic studies about the absorptive capacity on an individual level and the literature discussing Bloom`s Taxonomy domains in the organizational scope. On this regard, it is considered that the present study can add a new vision to the organizational literature while brings Bloom`s Taxonomy, in it`s affective and psychomotor dimensions, into theories of the administration – such as absorptive capacity and individual performance. The methodology used was a quantitative research, with exploratory-descriptive research, obtaining five adapted scales. ACAP`s scale was developed by Wang, Liu, Feng and Wang (2014); the domain of cognitive and relationship/behavior dimensions scales was grounded on Bloom et al. (1956, 1964) and Dave (1970) was adopted for psychomotor. Individual performance was based on Mott (1972). Four hypotheses were formulated: first was made for the purpose of testing the Bloom`s Taxonomy domains and its actions in ACAP, the second one, was made for testing the domains and its effects on individual performance, the third, test ACAP and its effects on individual performance, and the fourth, test ACAP as a mediator of the relationship between Bloom`s Taxonomy domains and individual performance. Through the descriptive analysis, indicators of each dimension of constructs were investigated and an analysis of the structural model was implemented. It was found that individual absorptive capacity in its three dimenssions - acquisition / identification, assimilation and application - causes positive effects on the relationship between the domains and the lawyer's performance, and the other hypothesis of direct effect: Bloom`s Taxonomy domain and individual performance, the domain and ACAP, and ACAP and invidual performance also had the result of positive effect, confirming this study hypotheses.
capacidade de absorção , domínios de aprendizagem , desempenho individual , advogados
Assuntos Scopus
HORTA, Rachel Nogueira Calcagno. O efeito do domínio de aprendizagem no desempenho individual mediado pela capacidade de absorção: uma aplicação com advogados. 2019. 94 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração de Empresas) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2019.