A dignidade em audiência de conciliação : um estudo com consumidores, conciliadores e representantes de empresas de telefonia

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Carrijo, Flávia Alves
Teixeira, Maria Luisa Mendes
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Membros da banca
Domenico, Silvia Marcia Russi de
Sobral, Filipe João Bera de Azevedo
Administração de Empresas
Conciliation hearings aim, at their core, to achieve an effective social harmonization between the parties involved in a conflict, through the humanization of the process of conflict resolution. Considering that conciliation hearings involve, besides the conciliator, the consumer who made the complaint and the representative of the claimed company, this study considers opportune to know how language-mediated interactions build dignity meetings in these negotiations. For data collection semi-structured interviews were conducted with the consumers, conciliators and representatives of a telephone company. Discourse Analysis was used for data analysis and interpretation, in order to make evident the different effects of the senses that can be understood through discursive materiality, and to better understand how dignity is built in the interaction between the actors. It was possible to notice that in conciliation hearings promotion and violation of dignity occur in an entangled and complex way.
negociação , conciliação , dignidade , análise de discurso
Assuntos Scopus
CARRIJO, Flávia Alves. A dignidade em audiência de conciliação : um estudo com consumidores, conciliadores e representantes de empresas de telefonia. 2017. 78 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração de Empresas) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.