Efeitos da capacidade de absorção individual na capacidade de inovação individual mediados pelo domínio de aprendizagem aplicado em redes varejistas no município de Foz do Iguaçu
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Andrade, Helmar Silva de
Popadiuk, Silvio
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Membros da banca
Perez , Gilberto
Rodrigues, Leonel Cezar
Rodrigues, Leonel Cezar
Administração de Empresas
The objective of this study was to measure the effects of individual absorptive capacity on the individual innovation capacity when being mediated by the learning domain based on the Bloom taxonomy in two companies with branches in the city of Foz do Iguaçu-Paraná. This theme was chosen after identify on the theoretical bases of most of the studies focusing on the studies of the absorptive capacity in the organizational scope. Another justification is that these (studies/theories) embrace only the cognitive domain of knowledge. Therefore, it is considered that this study may bring new points of view when inserting the learning domain with the affective and psychomotor dimensions in studies of the absorptive capacity applied in the Administration area, in the individual, group and organizational analysis. In this research it was possible to contact that the absorption capacity with its four dimensions - acquisition, assimilation, transformation and exploitation - has positive effects on the individual absorption capacity when mediated by the learning domain. The methodology is quantitative and the type of research is exploratory-descriptive. And for this investigation were adapted four scales. The first one developed by Wang et al (2014) helped to analyses the indicators of individual absorption capacity and involved three dimensions: i) identification, ii) assimilation and transformation, and iii) application of knowledge. The second was the scale adapted from Hurt and Cook (2013) to analyse indicators of individual innovation capacity and involved four dimensions (i) willingness to try, (ii) ambiguity, (iii) creativity and (iv) opinion leader. The third one was the scale for measuring the intensity of domains of cognitive and affective learning based on the study on the taxonomy of Bloom et al. (1972), and the fourth one was an adaptation of Dave (1970) for the psychomotor domain. The questionnaires were applied to a sample of 147 employees of the companies Irmãos Muffato Ltda and Calce Pague with branches located in the municipalities of Foz do Iguaçu. Two hypotheses were formulated, the first one had the objective to test whether the individual's absorptive capacity had positive effects on innovation and the second one sought to understand if effects change when inserting the learning domain as a mediating variable. Through the descriptive analysis were investigated the indicators of each dimension of individual absorptive capacity, individual innovation capacity and components of the learning domain. In addition, the analysis of the structural model was carried out. The data showed that by inserting all three domains together, it is observed that individual absorption capacity has positive effects on the individual inovation capacity when mediated by the learning domain, confirming the statistical hypothesis of this study.
capacidade de absorção individual , capacidade de inovação individual , domínio de aprendizagem
Assuntos Scopus
ANDRADE, Helmar Silva de. Efeitos da capacidade de absorção individual na capacidade de inovação individual mediados pelo domínio de aprendizagem aplicado em redes varejistas no município de Foz do Iguaçu. 2017. 90 f. Dissertação (Administração de Empresas) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.