Estratégias para o crescimento empresarial: um estudo da indústria do cimento da Colômbia

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Peña Romero, Jennifer Paola
Zilber, Moisés Ari
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Membros da banca
Popadiuk, Silvio
Ikeda, Ana Akemi
Administração de Empresas
The strategies can be used to achieve growth and business performance. According to the assumptions about strategic planning, strategies are those rules and guidelines that will guide, will give coherence and direction to an organization development process that competing in a market, by exploiting its resources and seeking competitive advantage. However, in order to define, select and implement the strategies that can be successful in the market and can assist businesses in obtaining the desired positioning and profits, companies need to know your surroundings both external and internal. Once the company has known its surroundings can choose between different strategic alternatives as: i) strategies within the business, to make or gain competitive advantage in one market or sector; ii) growth strategies to expand profitability; and iii) innovation strategies to create new possibilities in strategic processes. So, considering all these aspects of the strategic planning process, grow up the interest of this study to understand what are the strategies used by the Colombians cement companies to achieve business growth, taking into account that this is an industry that has a production process and a segmentation poorly differentiated between enterprises and they sell a product considered a commodity. Therefore, an exploratory and qualitative research strategy was adopted and data collection was made with a semi-structured interviews based on script, interviewing seven people (4 managers of cement companies and 3 exclusive distributors of cement). It concludes that the government factor is a major factor that has contributed to boost the growth of cement demand in Colombia, moreover, that enterprises use focused strategies in their daily operations because the high investment for the operation of a cement plant, but to achieve growth have used market development strategies penetrating niche competitors, expanding its product portfolio or making a geographical expansion and also have needed the innovation strategy to improve their processes, equipment and services. Finally, it should be noted that these strategies used by cement companies to achieve business growth are not used alone, unlike all are developed and worked together to get the best results.
crescimento , estratégias de negócio , estratégias de crescimento , estratégia de inovação
Assuntos Scopus
PEÑA ROMERO, Jennifer Paola. Estratégias para o crescimento empresarial : um estudo da indústria do cimento da Colômbia. 2015. 176 f. Dissertação (Administração de Empresas) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.