A reputação corporativa on-line : um estudo com a abordagem da visão baseada em recursos

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Sanda, Carlos Roberto
Marcondes, Reynaldo Cavalheiro
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Membros da banca
Thomaz, José Carlos
Nassif, Vania Maria Jorge
Administração de Empresas
This dissertation aims to identify what resources and capabilities support the Corporate Reputation On-line from a company. Theoretical foundation has used the resource-based view (RBV), to connect the aspects that compose the Corporate Reputation On-line, the resouces and capabilities that companies use to support these aspects. The research adopted a descriptive exploratory study and used the qualitative methodology. The companies in the survey are from different sectors (retail, insurance, financial, children's products, hydraulic equipment) and sizes, which enjoy higher than average reputation in sites like Reclame Aqui or e-Bit. The interviews were conducted using a semi-structured script with opened questions, with managers who are responsible for planning and / or implementation of strategies for social and internet media. The data were processed and analyzed based on content analysis techniques. They were identified as key strategic resources and capabilities, the brand, organizational culture focused on customers and the integration of internal areas. These resources and capabilities are interrelated and combined to promote innovation in the consumer’s value perceived, by providing the most appropriate solutions, faster responses and assertive to their demands. In addition, the companies have demonstrated alignment among communication and combination of resources and capabilities, strategic or not, to meet their clients´ needs. It was also possible to verify that the companies promote channels to allow an interactive and dialogical relationship with their customers. Thus, they expand the possibilities from client to promote a positive evaluation on social media and rating sites, consequently influencing positively the Corporate Reputation On-line.
reputação corporativa on-line , recursos e capacidades , ambiente on-line , visão baseada em recursos
Assuntos Scopus
SANDA, Carlos Roberto. A reputação corporativa on-line : um estudo com a abordagem da visão baseada em recursos. 2016. 79 f. Dissertação (Administração de Empresas) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.