A evolução da densidade organizacional na indústria brasileira de shopping centers

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Corrêa Junior, Jorge Ivan
Bataglia, Walter
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Membros da banca
Zilber, Moisés Ari
Hoffmann, Valmir Emil
Administração de Empresas
Since the first brazilian shopping center founded in 1966, in 2008 there were 377 shopping centers operating in Brazil, totaling R$ 64.4 billion in revenues and provided more than 8.5 million square meters of GLA (gross leaseble area), according to ABRASCE. Capting attention in economic and social scenarios, this sector has received consistent national and foreign investment in recent years, besides the support of government agencies such as BNDES. To investigate the population evolution of the brazilian shopping center, this work adopted the principal of the demography of firms, wich is based on the Organizational Ecology theoretical background, and has as one of its interests of study the influence of organizational density over the firms population development. This approach is called Density Dependence Theory, the density measured by the number of organizations within (population density) and also by the aggregate supply of the population (mass density). According to this theory, the density of a population directly influences their rates of founding (borning) and failure (closing) of orgabizations, indicating that the higher the number of organizations in a population, the greater are the founding rates of new organizations over time, this rate increasing under decreasing rates until a possible stabilization. Moreover, the greater the mass density, the lower the rate of founding of new organizations in the population, even with the total number of organizations decreasing. Adopting a quantitative approach, using econometric models based on method of estimators to populational growth relating the birth rates with the populational density performed in different industries and countries, this study investigated the evolution of the density in the brazilian shopping centers from 1966 to 2008. The conclusion of this study confirms the effects provided by the theory of density dependence in the relationship between density and rates of organizational founding population of shopping centers.
ecologia organizacional , demografia de empresas , densidade populacional , ambiente competitivo , shopping center , organizational ecology , demography of corporations , populational density , competitive enviroment , shopping center
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