Investimento em inovação e crescimento da empresa: uma análise dos fabricantes de eletrodomésticos no Brasil
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Buccelli, Dalton Oswaldo
Zilber, Moisés Ari
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Kruglianskas, Isak
Bataglia, Walter
Bataglia, Walter
Administração de Empresas
This study analyses the relationship between the investment in innovative activities and domestic appliances and personal care companies growth from 2005 to 2008. The wide and diversified literature about the theme doesn t show any field results confirming this relationship in the sector. The theoretical references of this study are the works of Schumpeter (1949, 1950), Penrose (2006), Urabe (1988), Porter (1986, 1990), Stokes (2005), Dismukes (2005), Hannan e Freeman (1977), Hamel (2003) and OECD (2004). This study involved a double-step descriptive field research. In the first step, a quantitative research was developed with 48 manufacturers. In the second step, an exploratory case study was conducted in a worldwide industry leader. Finally, it is possible to conclude that innovative activities have a positive relationship with domestic appliances and personal care Brazilian companies growth and that a representative part of this growth came from product innovation. Other conclusions came from Philips case study, showing a new business value chain in the last few years with technological alliances assuming a strategic role in product, process and business models innovation system.
inovação , inovação de produto , crescimento da firma , alianças tecnológicas , indústria de eletrodomésticos , innovation , product innovation , growth of the firms , technology alliances , domestic appliances , personal care
Assuntos Scopus
BUCCELLI, Dalton Oswaldo. Investimento em inovação e crescimento da empresa: uma análise dos fabricantes de eletrodomésticos no Brasil. 2009. 196 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2009.