A influência da capabilidade na relação entre estratégia e desempenho das empresas fabricantes de autopeças
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Sobral, Luciana Garcia
Moori, Roberto Giro
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Membros da banca
Bido, Diógenes de Souza
Teixeira, Cláudia Echevenguá
Teixeira, Cláudia Echevenguá
Administração de Empresas
The capabilities development, as a combination of resources and competencies, have been
studied to understand the competitiveness of companies. Accordingly, this study sought to
verify the influence of capabilities in the relation between strategy and operational
performance of the Brazilian automotive industries. The theory presented is based in authors
of Supply Chain Management, operations strategy and dynamic capabilities such as Teece
and Pisano (2003), Christopher (2003), Barney (1991), Ferdows e DeMeyer (1990) e Morash
(2001). This research was performed in two phases: The first phase, consisted of a qualitative
exploratory study, which main s objective was to deepen the understanding of the Brazilian
automotive chain, as well as to identify the competitive priorities as an element of fit between
second tier suppliers, first tier suppliers and OEMs, in the dyadic context. Data was collected
using in-depth interviews with five companies that were in the automotive sector. Data was
analyzed using content analysis, and it was verified that there were three common competitive
priorities among those companies: cost, reliability and flexibility. These competitive priorities
were then translated into strategies, capabilities and performance, concentrating the focus on
the automotive suppliers. The second phase of this research consisted of verifying the
influence of capabilities in the relation between strategy and performance. This phase
consisted of a quantitative exploratory research, that included a sample of 48 automotive
suppliers, whose respondents were managers of the operations, supply chain and procurement
areas. The data was treated using multivariate statistics, and revealed that capabilities in
general have a mediation effect in the relation between strategy and performance. It was
concluded that Braziian s automotive suppliers have their biggest focus in capabilities related
to processes (combination of resources and competencies) to influence performance.
prioridades competitivas , alinhamento estratégico , desempenho , capabilidades , critérios ganhadores de pedidos , critérios qualificadores de pedidos , competitive priorities , strategic fit , performance , capabilities , order winners , order qualifiers
Assuntos Scopus
SOBRAL, Luciana Garcia. A influência da capabilidade na relação entre estratégia e desempenho das empresas fabricantes de autopeças. 2013. 167 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2013.