Competências para além da maximização de lucros para acionistas: o que revelam as narrativas gerenciais?

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Mendonça, Denise de Freitas
Brunstein, Janette
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Membros da banca
Godoy, Arilda Schmidt
Bido, Diógenes de Souza
Nunes, Simone Costa
Pena, Roberto Patrus Mundim
Administração de Empresas
The present study aimed to seize and analyze narratives that reflect managerial concerns with the development of competence and ethical values in their daily management, identifying experiences that materialize such purposes into competent actions. The theoretical framework of interpretative skills left from the perspective offered by Sandberg and Tamarga (2007), Le Boterf (2003) and Zarifian (2001). A review of national and international literature on skills beyond the maximization of profits associated the term to a set of constructs such as ethics, values, social responsibility, environment, social justice, among others. This search revealed that these studies focus mainly on the environment of the classroom courses in business administration at the expense of organizational field and theoretical work. With the aim of contributing to an empirical study in this field, a survey of seven executives of different areas of five companies in the retail segment was developed. The study was supported by the proposed thematic analysis of narratives Riessman (2008). The results showed not only a difficulty for managers in dealing with the issue and telling stories that relate to examples of materialization of the skills that were not aimed at making a profit for shareholders and performance, as the examples outsourced were mostly negative, illustrating, above all, the lack of ethical competence. Skills and ethical values were associated, especially: to the company's ability to maintain a coherent attitude on unethical behavior by imposing consequences for deviations; respect to others; coherence between discourse and practice, the sense of justice, the ability to cope and assume errors, the achievement of organizational ethical standards, honesty and transparency. The narratives revealed the belief that ethical competence and values are inherent to human beings, and because of that, it is not up to them reinforcing that they encourage their development. There are few indications in their speeches of the existence of stimulus for reflection on this kind of organizational competence in the universe, which imposes clear limits to its development. At the end, the narratives give us clues about the relevance and urgency of discussing ethics and values in studies of human competence at work.
competências , ética e valores , gestores , narrativas , skills , ethics and values , managers , narratives
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