Valores organizacionais esposados e compartilhados: um estudo sobre a relação entre valores de autotranscendência e autopromoção em uma instituição bancária
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Silveira Junior, Alvaro Augusto Freire da
Teixeira, Maria Luisa Mendes
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Membros da banca
Hanashiro, Darcy Mitiko Mori
Tonelli, Maria José
Tonelli, Maria José
Administração de Empresas
This work aimed the analysis of conflict between self-transcendence organizational values and self-enhancement organizational values, by identifying organizational espoused and shared values in a financial institution. We used both methodologies in our researches, qualitative and quantitative, to study shared values by financial institution employees. Two validated research tools were used in this research: the Inventory of Organizational Values (IVO) and the Inventory of Profiles of Organizational Values (IPVO), both of them are based on the General Values Theory. The data was collected using an open and a closed questionnaires in a sample of 135 individuals that work with corporate clients, and consulting public documents from that international financial institution. The results obtained showed us the possibility of use both methodologies, qualitative and quantitative, to study shared values and; gave us indications that the relation between self-transcendence organizational values and self-enhancement organizational values it isn t of conflict, but the values are complementary to each other.
valores organizacionais , valores organizacionais esposados , valores organizacionais compartilhados , conflito , complementaridade , organizational values , espoused organizational values , shared organizational values , conflict , complementary
Assuntos Scopus
SILVEIRA JUNIOR, Alvaro Augusto Freire da. Valores organizacionais esposados e compartilhados: um estudo sobre a relação entre valores de autotranscendência e autopromoção em uma instituição bancária. 2007. 196 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2007.