Análise da relação entre o domínio de aprendizagem e o desempenho mediado pela capacidade de absorção e moderado pela capacidade para inovação

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Santos Filho, Adeildo Pereira dos
Popadiuk, Silvio
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Franklin, Marcos Antonio
Silva, Dirceu da
Perez, Gilberto
Costa, Priscila Rezende da
Administração de Empresas
Educational objectives, according to the taxonomy of Bloom et al., (1977), include three domains: i) cognitive (linked to memory, recognition and storage and intellectual skills); ii) affective domain (associated with changes in interest, attitudes, values, appraisals and adjustments) and; iii) psychomotor domain (a combination of muscular abilities and cognitive processes). In this sense, these effects are shown in the effects of the learning domain (cognitive, affective and psychomotor) on individual performance when it is mediated by the absorptive capacity and moderated by Innovativeness. Absorptive Capacity is the ability to recognize the value of a new knowledge, assimilate it and apply it for commercial purposes. Innovativeness is a mean for an organization to reconfigure itself and remain strategically competitive in the market. Performance is a prospect of success through a multidimensional analysis of factors. Learning domain consists of a way to qualify to acquire new knowledge, to develop new skills, competences and uses that. Therefore, the explanatory research, of a quantitative character, developed by means of questionnaire applications for data collection and a planned sample in the Petrobras' Research and Development Center Leopoldo Américo Miguez de Mello (CENPES). The questionnaires were distributed electronically by the Petrobras system's research generator (GPESQ) and there were 204 responses. When analyzing the indicators according to the following control parameters: position, age, education, sector, sex and service time in company, there was no significant difference in relation to the respondents' position, sector and sex, however, the age of the professionals, their level of instruction and their service time in company produced different effects on the results. The analysis of the hypotheses related to the latent variables evaluated identified that the learning domain causes positive effects on individual performance and absorptive capacity; Absorptive Capacity has a mediating effect between Leaning Domain and individual Performance; Innovativeness has a moderating effect between Learning Domain and individual Performance in a specific group; the combination of moderation and mediation when explaining the relationship between learning domain and individual performance, only for a certain group, identified a partial effect on the result. In view of the results obtained, the study contributes by integrating the constructs: Absorptive Capacity, Innovativeness, individual Performance and Learning Domain, through the application of Bloom's Taxonomy, in its three dimensions (affective, cognitive and psychomotor), in a context not yet investigated.
capacidade de absorção , capacidade para inovação , domínio de aprendizagem , desempenho
Assuntos Scopus
SANTOS FILHO, Adeildo Pereira dos. Análise da relação entre o domínio de aprendizagem e o desempenho mediado pela capacidade de absorção e moderado pela capacidade para inovação. 2020. 125 f. Tese (Doutorado em Administração de Empresas) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2020.