Inclusão nas organizações: conceituação e mensuração sob a perspectiva da abordagem metateórica das facetas
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Queiroz, Ricardo Campelo de
Hanashiro, Darcy Mitiko Mori
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Membros da banca
Bido, Diógenes de Souza
Teixeira, Maria Luisa Mendes
Limongi-França, Ana Cristina
Silva, Dirceu da
Teixeira, Maria Luisa Mendes
Limongi-França, Ana Cristina
Silva, Dirceu da
Administração de Empresas
The ‘inclusion’ construct is emerging in the organizational field, and demands greater conceptual clarity. Inclusion recognizes each person in his/her set of social and cultural categories, rather than considering one category at a time, for example gender, race, ethnicity, nationality and age. One of the first conceptual propositions in the literature addresses inclusion as the individual's sense of being part of the organizational system, with the dimensions ‘formal processes’ and ‘informal processes’. The first has the sub-dimensions 'access to information' and 'decision-making channels', while the second has only the subdimension 'informal meetings at lunch or at happy hour'. Based on the optimal distinctiveness theory (ODT), the concept of inclusion addressed the employees’ needs of belonging and uniqueness. From a more practical approach, we defined inclusion in terms of inclusive behaviors and employees’ experiences. In view of this conceptual scenario, we identified the opportunity to use a metatheoretical approach that could encompass the complexity of the inclusion phenomenon in organizations. We chose the Facet Theory (TF) approach, a metatheory that supports the researcher with complex issues such as those present in the behavioral sciences. One of TF main elements is the mapping sentence, which is a theoretical and empirical framework that specifies the relationship between the facets and their elements, helping to identify existing duplications and gaps in the researched domain. The general objective of this research was to develop the concept of inclusion in the work environment, through the metatheoretical approach of facet theory, and to test the conceptual definition of inclusion proposed by the mapping sentence, by checking if the empirical data reflect the internal structure proposition. The literature review on inclusion allowed to identify the facets, as well as the elements of the inclusion construct, and to create a mapping sentence. We developed the research questionnaire according to the facet theory approach, where each item has an element of each facet. We carried out two empirical surveys, the first with 93 students from a postgraduate course, who were also employees in organizations. The second sample included 145 professionals from the automotive industry, located in different regions of Brazil. Data were treated through descriptive statistical techniques and multidimensional scaling. We observed the presence of the three facets AGENTS, ACTION and EFFECT, with their respective elements forming distinct regions in the multidimensional space, which confirmed the structural hypotheses of the research. This study contributes to the literature by using the metatheoretical approach of facets in structuring the concept, and confirms that inclusion is a multifaceted construct composed of three facets. It also contributes to organizations by developing a scale to measure the perception of employees’ inclusion and pointing out the key elements for the development of leaders and employees.
inclusão no ambiente de trabalho , diversidade e inclusão , dinâmica da inclusão , teoria das facetas , escala de inclusão
Assuntos Scopus
QUEIROZ, Ricardo Campelo de. Inclusão nas organizações: conceituação e mensuração sob a perspectiva da abordagem metateórica das facetas. 2018. 187 f. Tese (Administração de Empresas) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.