Construção coletiva da identidade no setor de coleta seletiva de resíduos sólidos de equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos: uma análise a partir do processo de categorização

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Braga, Ana Carolina Simões
Meirelles, Dimária Silva e
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Domenico, Silvia Márcia Russi
Bulgacov, Sérgio
Thomaz, José Carlos
Cardosos, Onéssimo de Oliveira
Administração de Empresas
This study aimed to describe the evolutive process of the identity in the organizational level from the categorization of the elements of the symbolic and formal order defined by the organizational members and external agents of the audience of the a cooperatives of the selective collection of the waste of electronics and electrical equipment. To obtain this objective, were reviewed the concepts: identity in the organizational level, audience, actors of the reverse chain and categorization. For the concepts identity in the organizational level and categorization, there was a preoccupation of the adequacy to the perspective of the processes. Anchored in these concepts, was developed a conceptual model, and, consequently, the operational that served, at first, as a guide for the development of case study Coopermiti, which tissue in narrative form made it possible to describe in chronological order the process of the collective construction of the Coopermiti identity, over time, constituted by events and their promoters. The data are longitudinal, encompassing a period of the gathering primary data of the 29 (twenty nine) months, starting in November 2012 and ending in April 2015. Were realized in total 11 (eleven) interviews between organizational members and external agents of the audience of the Coopermiti, being complemented with information arising from the non-participatory observation and secondary data. As a result, were observed the roles performed, either by organizational members, either by external agents, in the process of the inclusion, exclusion and alteration of the elements of the formal and symbolic order components of the identity in the organizational level, along the construction process. The period which comprise since the your birth at the end 2008 until the present time identified a evolution in the identity of Coopermiti, presenting a sequence of the seven identities over time, showing that, although its purpose of being remains the same, the identity of past and of present differ gradually, as was the inclusion, exclusion and alteration of the elements of the formal and symbolic order that constitute it. As theoretical contribution, highlights that adopt a process approach allows to view the identity in an evolutive perspective; as the empirical contribution, found that Coopermiti is a success story in Brazil of the cooperatives of selective collection of solid waste, were identified elements that prove its evolution and organizational development and the co-participation of organizational members and external agents of the audience for obtaining the social legitimacy.
audiência , identidade no nível organizacional , categorização , abordagem de processos
Assuntos Scopus
BRAGA, Ana Carolina Simões. Construção coletiva da identidade no setor de coleta seletiva de resíduos sólidos de equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos : uma análise a partir do processo de categorização. 2015. 256 f. Tese (Administração de Empresas) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.