As relações entre ambidestria organizacional, capabilidades e seus impactos no desempenho organizacional, moderado pela estratégia

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Santos, Fernando Ribeiro dos
Popadiuk, Silvio
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Meireles, Dimária Silva e
Albertin, Alberto Luiz
Perez, Gilberto
Zilber, Silvia Novaes
Administração de Empresas
This thesis revolved around four concepts in the literature of competitive advantage: capabilities, organizational ambidexterity, strategy types and organizational performance. Its main objective was to identify the relationship between organizational performance – as the result of the mediation among four types of capabilities – and the organizational ambidexterity, moderated by the type of strategy according to Miles and Snow’s (1978) typology. In order to reach the chosen objective a quantitative survey was carried out with 119 companies of the three sectors of economy: industry, commerce and services. A structured and closed questionnaire was applied following Likerts scales for each one of its items. Data was processed and evaluated through the technique of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with estimates in the method of Partial Least Squares (PLS), and using a SmartPLS 2.0 software. The analysis was done involving six models: three without the involvement of the capabilities and three involving the capability as mediator. The three main models were: the complete sample, the companies that were classified as Prospector/Analytical and companies classified as Defender/Reactive. The results identified a difference in the assessment of the indicators for the variables of ambidexterity and capability when comparing both groups of companies, as well as the existence of a representative index between ambidexterity and organizational performance, regardless of the group related to the type of strategic orientation. As a conclusion, the data shows that the variable capability has a mediating effect between organizational ambidexterity and performance, and the effect varies from total to partial, depending on the type of strategic orientation adopted by the companies, according to the model created by Miles and Snow (1978).
ambidestria organizacional , capabilidades , desempenho organizacional , estratégia , organizational ambidexterity , capabilities , organizational performance , strategy
Assuntos Scopus
Santos, Fernando Ribeiro dos. As relações entre ambidestria organizacional, capabilidades e seus impactos no desempenho organizacional, moderado pela estratégia. 2015. [120 f.]. Tese (Administração de Empresas) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, [São Paulo].