O papel das competências tecnológicas no surgimento das novas organizações de tecnologia da informação

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Mascarenhas, Sidnei Augusto
Meirelles, Dimária Silva e
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Membros da banca
Brunstein, Janette
Kon, Anita
Lex, Sergio
Ruas, Roberto Lima
Administração de Empresas
This study was conducted considering the gaps in the surveys about start up organizations, notably in the comprehension of initial competences deriving from the technical formation of a new organization founding group. Another important gap refers to the lack of studies towards the development process of technological competences. Most of the studies referring to this subject are about the organization technological competence rather than the individual s. Therefore the aim of this study is to understand the relation between the founding group development of technological competences and the emergence of a new information technology organization (IT). In this study, IT organization represents the firms focused on developing and/or implementing and/or administrating management programs for the various activities of other firms, these being either public or private firms. To meet this general objective three specific goals were established. The first specific objective focused on the identification of acquired knowledge by the founding group from their education and professional background. The second specific objective addressed the understanding of distinctive technologies that indicate the emergence of the new organization. To conclude, the third specific objective depicted the technological competences developed by the founding group and its evolution over time. In the methodological point of view, narrative interviews were used for its emphasis on the content of what is said rather than on how it is said. To start the narratives, interviewees were exposed to a generative question about their careers, experiences and firm foundation. The generative question was posed as an incentive to the construction of the narrative focusing on the space and time of interest to the researcher. The organizations selected to take part in this survey were domestic capital organizations, active in the market for at least five years, not interrelated and with founders still present, or at least traceable, in the national environment. The interviewees were the founders of six Brazilian IT firms. The evidences of technological competence development were found through indicators such as self-learning ability, key technologies usage, use and operation of new technologies, development and adaptation to new processes, technological innovation generation, optimization, marketing and negotiation skills and relational skills. From the final analysis of narrative interviews, through the chosen indicators, the key technological competences developed by the founders and which originated the new IT organizations have arisen. The evolution of these competences in the organizations envolved in the survey was also studied.
competência tecnológica , capacidade , surgimento de novas organizações , technological competence , capability , new organizations emergence
Assuntos Scopus
MASCARENHAS, Sidnei Augusto. O papel das competências tecnológicas no surgimento das novas organizações de tecnologia da informação. 2013. 145 f. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2013.