Custos de transação e capacitações: influência nas estruturas de governança no setor farmacêutico do Brasil
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Nogueira, Antonio Carlos Lima
Bataglia, Walter
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Membros da banca
Silva, Adilson Aderito da
Zylbersztajn, Decio
Azevedo, Paulo Furquim de
Brito, Eliane Pereira Zamith
Zylbersztajn, Decio
Azevedo, Paulo Furquim de
Brito, Eliane Pereira Zamith
Administração de Empresas
The study aimed to analyze the influence of transaction costs and capabilities on vertical
integration for the manufacturing step in the pharmaceutical sector in Brazil. This objective
resulted from the potential contribution to the ongoing research agenda on the relationship
between the approaches of transaction costs and capabilities. The universe of research is the
total number of drugs registered at the National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance (ANVISA),
which is the federal regulator or drugs in Brazil. The population is the subset of drugs
available in the public database Bulário Eletrônico and the levels of analysis are the
constructs of vertical integration, experience, diversification, asset specificity and bargaining
power. The unit of analysis is the transaction of drug manufacturing and the object of analysis
is the registry of the drug. I developed and proposed a structural model composed of a set of
hypotheses with causal relationships between constructs. The model includes first order latent
variables and measurable indicators based on data available on database and in the websites of
the companies. With these definitions, I collected the data for each drug, including
pharmaceutical form, therapeutic class, regulatory category and vertical integration of the
manufacturing transaction. To test the hypotheses I conducted a confirmatory factor analysis
of the measurement model through a structural equation model solved by Partial Least
Squares. The first theoretical implication of the results is the identification of significant
relationships between constructs related to transaction costs (asset specificity and bargaining
power) and capabilities (experience and diversification) as well as relations between vertical
integration and the other constructs. The second implication is the positive relationship
between diversification and vertical integration. As diversification is an indicator of
capabilities, the result implies that the limits of the firm reflect a bundle of capabilities
expressed by processes and routines. The result could be subject to criticism that the vertical
integration adoption may be resultant of cost considerations and delimitation of the scope
based on the stages of greatest value to the company. The third implication is the existence of
a negative relationship between asset specificity and vertical integration. The result seems to
indicate the low strategic value of the manufacturing transaction in the value chain in the
pharmaceutical industry. It seems that companies tend to outsource manufacturing transaction
precisely for products with specific attributes. The fourth implication is the lack of influence
of bargaining power on vertical integration. This result may be due to two aspects: the first is
the very structure of the market portrayed by population and second is the low importance of
transaction registration to generate value. In this population, the market is competitive for the
more widespread forms and classes and more concentrated for products with rarer forms and
classes. On the other hand, the low relevance of the transaction as a strategic activity can
make decisions on vertical integration does not take into account the bargaining power of the
coordenação vertical , terceirização , cadeia de suprimentos , integração vertical , fabricação de medicamentos , transaction costs , pharmaceutical industry , capabilities , governance structures