Valor-clivagem, política e direito: Roswitha Scholz
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Leite, Taylisi de Souza Corrêa
Silva, Solange Teles da
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Membros da banca
Almeida, Silvio Luiz de
Bertolin, Patrícia Tuma Martins
Moreira, Danielle de Andrade
Pereira, Luiz Ismael
Bertolin, Patrícia Tuma Martins
Moreira, Danielle de Andrade
Pereira, Luiz Ismael
Direito Político e Econômico
This thesis aims at the theory of the German author Roswitha Scholz, and its concepts of value linked to the cleavage of gender roles within capitalist societies - a theoretical model still little explored in Brazil, even more so in the theory of Law. The object of this thesis consists in the diosyncratic relations between contemporary patriarchy and capitalist mode of production, centered on value. This research has as its general objective to undertake a deep investigation of the feminist theory of Roswitha Scholz, whose study is still unpublished in Brazil. The problematization of our object starts from a reading of the dilemmas of women in the bourgeois society, by an innovative and provocative way, because it ties our structurally sexism at capitalist context. The specific objectives are: to delimit the contours of this theory, through its main exponents; to demonstrate how the value-dissociation relations related to gender impact he state's performance with regard to the inclusion of women; to assess the possibilities of action for the State and for the Law; to question the proficuity of feminist movements’ actions in the capitalist world; to review the contemporary feminism, revisiting the demands and the agenda of the current feminist movements. As a method of procedure, we adopt historical and dialectical methods. As a research technique, indirect documentation has been done with bibliographic research. The collaborative theoretical framework allows us to infer conclusions and to envisage ways of conducting research. The rationale is that a theoretical investigation about the interfaces between economic system and sexism is not only timely but necessary, so we can analyze the social processes of gender from a structural perspective, and not only a cultural one, evidencing the pillars of capitalist patriarchy. Our hypothesis is that the answer to these perennial shortcomings of State and Law performances about women’s claims lies in a structural investigation of the economic mode of production. The work is divided into four chapters. The first presents the Wertkritik debates; the second presents Scholz's Theorem der Wert-Abspaltung; the third contrasts the author's theses with other debates on the feminism; and the fourth draws on the concepts of Roswitha Scholz for a critique of Law and State.
valor-dissociação , política , direito , Roswitha Scholz
Assuntos Scopus
LEITE, Taylisi de Souza Corrêa. Valor-clivagem, política e direito: Roswitha Scholz. 2019. 281 f. Tese (Doutorado em Direito Político e Econômico) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2019.