Educação profissional a distância no sistema penitenciário brasileiro
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Macedo, Maria Fernanda Soares
Francisco, José Carlos
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Duarte, Clarice Seixas
Junqueira, Michelle Asato
Silva, Jair Militão da
Fontes, Paulo Gustavo Guedes
Junqueira, Michelle Asato
Silva, Jair Militão da
Fontes, Paulo Gustavo Guedes
Direito Político e Econômico
The objective of this doctoral thesis is the analysis of professional distance education (EAD) as a fundamental right of the prisoner. The object to be investigated is that professional distance education is a fully possible and highly recommendable route for the improvement of the educational assistance of the prisoner in Brazil, although it has so far been little used. After examining the legislation, the document examines the theme and lists several positive results from the EAD, defending it as an important tool in the process of inclusion and universalization of quality education, and analyzes the critical situation of the system to investigate what actions are necessary so that the barriers and difficulties existing in the prison environment are overcome (or, at least, reduced), making the use of the EAD possible in penitentiaries. Such a measure is essential for the interactions and dialogues between the actors involved in the educational process and for providing persons serving a deprivation of liberty with effective and concrete access to the right to quality education, guaranteeing them human dignity, citizenship , the humanization of the sentence in addition to educational, technical and professional training as management tools for reintegration into society and for the restructuring of life after completion of the sentence.
educação profissional a distância no cárcere , execução penal , direito à educação , cidadania , dignidade humana
Assuntos Scopus
MACEDO, Maria Fernanda Soares. Educação profissional a distância no sistema penitenciário brasileiro. 2019. 250 f. Tese (Direito Político e Econômico) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.