Gestão de relacionamento para criação de valor em uma instituição de ensino
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Grandolfo, Daniel Jankops
Caldeira, Adilson
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Silva, Adilson Aderito da
Morilhas, Leandro José
Morilhas, Leandro José
Administração do Desenvolvimento de Negócios
This study adresses a work performed in a higher education institution (HEI) with the
main objective of promote value proposal expansion in the relationship with students. As
a means to achieve this goal, To accomplish this goal, we seek to achieve the specific
objectives of: proposing actions to increase the efficiency of the service process and
student satisfaction, reducing the incidence of complaints, identifying means and
proposing solutions to improve student relationship management and create value for the
institution, its students and other stakeholders. It is an interventionist proposal, accepted
by HEI. Initially, we describe the steps already taken so far and then the future steps to
be taken. Part of the intervention that has already been carried out includes the steps of
defining the task force responsible for required actions, interactions and analyzes
dedicated to understanding the problem, searching for technological solutions available
in the market and contacts with potential suppliers, developing, detailing and presenting
the project to internal decision-making bodies. After their approval, the tool was acquired
and is being implemented according to the established schedule. Tests performed in the
initial phase of implementation indicate potential gains in quality of service to the target
audience. The ongoing project is characterized as a significant change in the institutional
practices of relationship with its target audiences, constituting innovative and replicable
action in other similar organizations, which also deal with the characteristic complexity
of managing the relationship with their audiences.
criação de valor , resolução de problemas , canais de relacionamento , atendimento ao cliente , satisfação dos stakeholders
Assuntos Scopus
GRANDOLFO, Daniel Jankops. Gestão de relacionamento para criação de valor em uma instituição de ensino. 2019. 42 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração do Desenvolvimento de Negócios) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2019.