O atendimento educacional especializado nas escolas municipais de educação infantil em São Paulo
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Sá, Maria Rachel Compatangelo Fernandes de
Brunoni, Decio
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D'Antino, Maria Eloisa Famá
Martins, Edna Sandra
Martins, Edna Sandra
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
O município de São Paulo instituiu, em outubro de 2016, a Política Paulistana de Educação Especial na Perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva, com o objetivo de assegurar o acesso, permanência, participação plena e aprendizagem dos alunos em atendimento educacional especializado nas unidades educacionais. Esta pesquisa, diante da nova política de educação especial, teve por objetivo analisar o atendimento educacional especializado em escolas municipais de educação infantil, utilizando-se de método transversal de pesquisa com abordagem qualitativa de caráter descritivo-analítico. A coleta de dados do estudo foi dividida em: (a) entrevista semiestruturada realizada com dois coordenadores de um Centro de Formação e Acompanhamento à Inclusão, bem como com professora de atendimento educacional especializado responsável pela sala de recursos multifuncionais instalada em uma escola municipal de educação infantil; (b) questionários online, feitos com professores que atuam com crianças em atendimento educacional especializado nas escolas municipais de educação infantil; e (c) identificação da demanda de alunos público-alvo de educação especial atendidos nas escolas municipais de educação infantil de uma Diretoria Regional de Educação. A análise dos dados indicou que, apesar da nova política de educação especial disponibilizar três diferentes modalidades de atendimento educacional especializado (contraturno, colaborativo e itinerante), nas escolas municipais de educação infantil a modalidade mais praticada é a itinerante, em que o professor regente da classe comum realiza o atendimento educacional especializado. Constatou-se, ainda, grande dificuldade do profissional responsável pelo atendimento itinerante nas escolas em atuar de maneira colaborativa com o professor de sala regular, auxiliando-o a desenvolver estratégias e recursos pedagógicos.
In October 2016, the municipality of São Paulo instituted the Policy on Special Education in the Perspective of Inclusive Education to ensure access, permanence, full participation and learning of students under specialized educational services in educational units. This research aimed to analyze the specialized educational service in municipal schools for children's education, using a cross-sectional method of research with a descriptive-analytical qualitative approach. The data was collected through: (a) a semi-structured interview with two coordinators of a Training and Monitoring Center of Inclusion, as well as a teacher of specialized educational services responsible for the multifunctional resource room installed in a municipal education school child; (b) online survey with teachers who work with children in specialized educational services in municipal schools for children's education; and (c) demand identification of special education target public students from the municipal schools of child education of a Regional Board of Education. The data analysis indicated that although the new special education policy provides three different categories of specialized educational services (before/after school, collaborative and itinerant), the most practiced modality in municipal schools of children's education is itinerant, in which the regent teacher of the class is responsible for the specialized educational services. It was also found through the semi-structured interviews a great difficulty for the professional responsible for itinerant attendance in schools to work collaboratively with the regular classroom teacher, helping him to develop pedagogical strategies and resources.
In October 2016, the municipality of São Paulo instituted the Policy on Special Education in the Perspective of Inclusive Education to ensure access, permanence, full participation and learning of students under specialized educational services in educational units. This research aimed to analyze the specialized educational service in municipal schools for children's education, using a cross-sectional method of research with a descriptive-analytical qualitative approach. The data was collected through: (a) a semi-structured interview with two coordinators of a Training and Monitoring Center of Inclusion, as well as a teacher of specialized educational services responsible for the multifunctional resource room installed in a municipal education school child; (b) online survey with teachers who work with children in specialized educational services in municipal schools for children's education; and (c) demand identification of special education target public students from the municipal schools of child education of a Regional Board of Education. The data analysis indicated that although the new special education policy provides three different categories of specialized educational services (before/after school, collaborative and itinerant), the most practiced modality in municipal schools of children's education is itinerant, in which the regent teacher of the class is responsible for the specialized educational services. It was also found through the semi-structured interviews a great difficulty for the professional responsible for itinerant attendance in schools to work collaboratively with the regular classroom teacher, helping him to develop pedagogical strategies and resources.
educação infantil , atendimento educacional , especializado , educação especial , sala de recursos multifuncionais
Assuntos Scopus
SÁ, Maria Rachel Compatangelo Fernandes de. O atendimento educacional especializado nas escolas municipais de educação infantil em São Paulo. 2018. 83 f. Dissertação (Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.